And whatever my equivalent of sploosh is, which I guess is sploosh, only with [censored for work filters].
All Hail HalTar , First of Her Name! Khaleesi of the Great Catnip Sea! Breaker of Cages! Queen of the Calicos, the Tabbies, and the First Kittens!
Don't forget to mention the incredibly well-fitting pants.
....and my afternoon coffee has now been spewed over my desk from spontaneous and uncontrolled laughter. Thank you.
But his look says "Can't touch this"...and that makes me sad.
I think my fauxvaries just exploded.
It's a bad day for my air conditioning to be broken because Taye Diggs just upped the heat by a few degrees. Krysten Ritter looks so muted in grey it's startling, I don't see why she's completely disregarded her signature color. Allison Janney, as always, is The Best.
Allison Janney is The Best. So is your screenname!
Max Blum will be devastated.
I was having a shit day at work, and then my boyfriend sent me a text message with this photo, pointing out that we live in a world where This Was A Thing That Happened. It made everything better.
Do not be ashamed. This is a safe space. And we all kinda sort not-really-secretly want him to father our children. Or in my case, share in the adoption of a lovable bunch of Cockney pickpockets.
Best hashtag ever