
Ladies and Gentlemen, the reason everyone hates Yankees Fans.

This is satire, right?

But I was yelling “silly Billy!”

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.


Except it really, really isn’t. I’ll admit there are some solid jokes going on, but it just wasn’t The Muppets, it didn’t have the anarchic, vaudevillain, batshit insane energy the Muppets should have. Where were the random explosions? Where were the absurd one off jokes? The fourth wall breaking meta humor? The

His son knows how to make it better.

The dos were a little down compared to prior years, but the commentary rose to the occasion.

I’m not even a Vikings fan, Drew, but if Brees ends up in Minnesota, I will also shit your pants.

Not sure what’s inexplicable about relaxing while setting sail on a sea of smooth music.

Man, think of that, think how strong you would have to be to pick up the average green bay packers fan.

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

Wow, I didn’t realize that Bartolo, Giancarlo, and Alex were white guys now.

Stupid Sexy Flanders.


The men and the women.

Packers fans and it’s not even close.

By being not only about the retail space. And marketing itself as a destination. Almost every day there’s some kind of event in one of the anchor-store courts, or the east-side “rotunda”.

The Super Bowl was scheduled years in advance. It was *always* going to be this week and *always* going to be in Minnesota. It’s not that fucking hard to double check if there are any major events going on in your area when you schedule your press conferences.