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Okay, some other old must also remember Earth Star Voyager, a Disney Sunday Movie from the late 80s about a young crew on a ship because it was going to take so many years to get wherever they were going and back. I bet that’s the same idea here (only one way). Plus, for a kid in the 80s this was a kick ass opening

I have a podcast a lot like Michael Ian Black’s new one (only not with famous people and doing old pulp stories instead of one big book), so if anyone wants to try out the concept look for Interrupted Tales at all the usual places. We do sci-fi, horror, romance, a little bit of everything.

At least the world got this out of it.

“and so is Chappie.” *slow clap*

Yes, Perez’s character is exactly like Tomei’s character in My Cousin Vinny. Yeah, it’s a little goofy, but they establish throughout in small ways that they are both smart and have particular knowledge that support what happens in the end.

I think he’s proven himself as good, I’ll take either model Hill.

For me it was Just One of the Guys.

Things were sooooooooo different in the 80s. Earlier in the decade you could show boobs in a PG movie.

I’m going to still dislike his persona and way of talking (which you nailed, Randall). I get he’s harmless, but I’m comfortable being lame and disliking Guy Fieri. I can live with this.

Mazda?! You goddam commie! Rod Salka only sells American cars like Fords that are made in America! (and Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, Turkey, and Romania)

Yep, it’s also the perfect name for a crappy Ford dealership with terrible local commercials.

For further safety they will also be providing these helmets:

Nice, Gwen, that album was the first thing to come to my mind as well. Those guitars!

I’m not against white noise, I use an app in hotel rooms. And I should clarify, a newborn is a totally different story. But after 6 months when we sleep trained our son we just had the opposite experience. Our son sleeps through every little (and most) big noises i think because we didn’t screen them out and he’s

Agreed, we went to a baby sleep seminar (yeah, yeah, we’re lame) and they taught this and it worked like magic. Also, lose the white noise machine. It’s the same principle, they should be used to and able to handle being awake or hearing things that are normal in a room/house. Even (maybe especially) if your house

Thanks for the recs, much appreciated! They sound right up my alley.

Ah, really? See, this is how little a gamer I am. Thanks.

Eldritch Horror! I am not an RPG guy in general (or a tabletop person) and this game sucked me in and even got my wife in (who is DEFINITELY not an RPG or game person). It’s complex but fun and once you get in the rhythm it’s easy for anyone to get down.

Sigh, and they still won’t hire Colin Kaepernick.

Seltzer? My mom’s is way cheaper, way better, AND the reason I’ve forgotten most family events. Fruit and brandy soaked, Sprite (the real secret), red wine, and more brandy. She is from Spain and grew up really poor, the best combination for good food and drinks.