
That one email reminded me of something: Stop calling the fucking owners of your team “Mr. Jeffernut” or whatever as some kind of bizarre form of respect. You’re not talking to the guy, the guy would never, ever talk to you in a billion years because you’re not at his level. How did you prove you’re not at his level?

It’s a fact that 97% of all movies could be improved by removing 20 minutes. I may go as high as 98%, I’ve got a spreadsheet and everything.

Alternative hot take: Don’t.

I love the idea of a remote with headphone jack, I use the PS4 dualshock and I can play games and loud movies without bugging folks. I hope it’s more and more a standard thing.

Thanks, I’ll take another look when there’s a good sale. I’m often working on my laptop and I’d like to have more options than 2,000 Big Bang Theory episodes a night or HBO showing the same movies over and over.

This may be the dumbest question ever, but are there any sticks that now use bluetooth in addition to wifi? I travel a lot and from what I’ve read even Roku’s Hotel and Dorm whatsis isn’t very consistent and requires more equipment then I want to carry around. I may be completely behind the times or off base, though.

I now cannot hear the Pirates theme without hearing Michael Bolton singing over it. It’s just a fact.

Kraglin is the best. Nothing to add, he’s just the best.

Strange alien or “strange alien world”? I’ve been trying to find the alien, and finally figured out the Entertainment Weekly logo was not a shapeshifter in disguise.

This is sadly all I know about Premier League.

I have 4 pairs of headphones and JUST swore of wireless for now and then I’m sucked back in. Can I resist? Ugh.

I have 4 pairs of headphones and JUST swore of wireless for now and then I’m sucked back in. Can I resist? Ugh.

I’m watching the not too distant future, next Sunday AD (mst3k) for tv, I’m reading Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (comic) and Lovecraft Country (novel), and I’m listening to a long backlog of the Star Wars Minute podcast and OMD’s Dazzle Ships album a lot.

I’ve actually gone back to wired recently and I haven’t had a “oh my stars and garters, not a cord!” feeling at all. You can get better much better sound at a more affordable cost, the form factor is still more comfortable (I like earbuds), and they just work. And even though it was only every few weeks, dealing with

He says in the post that he will be working with Feige & co. on the “Marvel Cosmic Universe” so I’m pretty sure they’ve got plans. Hell, they’re adding Thor and Hulk to it with Ragnarok, I think they like having their own little space fantasy universe to play with.

I’ve seen all of these movies, they even showed The Day After at school over two days. I was terrified of nuclear war yet couldn’t look away. I still can’t, I watched another one from 1983, Special Bulletin, just a couple of years ago.

Both Wild Rebels and the United Servo Academy Men’s Chorus Hymn have been my loop this week. When I heard “house band” I was like wut, but in execution the Skeleton Crew has been great so far.

EDIT: Damn, my MST3K-fu failed me and I guessed the wrong short. Carry on.

I’ll back you up. I’m only 3 in since I got started earlier this week (backer4life!) and the best part is that it really feels like MST3K. You can argue about the actors and characters (there are still people arguing Joel vs. Mike after all), but it genuinely feels like the same show, just almost a couple decades

Every time I read someone online writing to the effect of “Look, it’s their plane, it’s their rules and you should listen to cops” I just picture this.