
Articuno is exactly right. Of course Turtle Rock has the right to terminate Olin, he was probably an at-will employee. What's mind boggling to me is that the Olin tweet is viewed as even remotely controversial. Donald Sterling (no relation) has the right to believe whatever he wants and he was speaking to someone

Golf cart.

California has no one to blame but itself.

The taxi medallion auction is a monopoly system controlled by the NYC government to provide services that are totally price-controlled by the NYC government. The word for that is not "capitalism."

Yes. The entire planet would have been on fire. Molten rock would have rained down over the whole surface and massive clouds of burning ash would have followed.

What's most surprising to me is that they aren't reinforcing as they go. I imagined they'd be erecting supporting steel trusses or arches as the tunneling advanced.

I like elegant hardware as much as the next guy. I just don't have patience for mediocre, failed monopoly operating systems.

It's frustrating that hardly any manufacturers make their products available sans OS or with Linux as an option. In fairness I haven't tried Windows 8, but I have no specific need for Windows applications at work or at home. I don't want to pay extra for hardware that includes a licensing fee paid to Microsoft when

You mean ExOfficio? I love their stuff. (I did the Scooter Cannonball Run last year with two pair of ExOfficio boxers; worked out well.)

I drove through West Virginia via US-522 last night - different part of the state but I've never seen lightning like that before. Amazing.