As for recently killed, don't forget the Mitsubishi Mirage... Having just parted ways as the Malaysian "Proton Saga"... (the people who own Lotus)
As for recently killed, don't forget the Mitsubishi Mirage... Having just parted ways as the Malaysian "Proton Saga"... (the people who own Lotus)
Equinox ==> SRX
Thank you... Not to mention when Chevy's are rebadged as Cadillacs—things tend to go wrong.
Not to mention competence isn't GM's forte... or electrics.
It is still causing havoc for my Mac.
$6,500 tops.
I loathe that book... yet I'm drawn to check out if they still have a copy at Barnes & Noble... They always do. That guys is not a car guy, and it isn't half as funny as it could've been.
By the way, Jesus didn't fuck titties since he was gay.
All apologies. The word looks better with the 'E'; however, either way my spell-checker doesn't recognize it as a word, and being it is a Chevy—I'm perfectly fine with that.
1st Gear: Yep, Hyundai is now no longer derivative... Smooth move on copying the Koreans you didn't bankrupt, GM. It didn't work for the Equus—I doubt it will work on the stretched rebadged Buick/Chevy/Cadillac XTS. things tend to go bad for GM when Cadillacs are tarted up Chevys.
I smell a rebadged Buick Camero...
I see where you are coming from because of the inner cubes that are very derivative of the 1st generation Fusion, yes.
Hmm... in our training group at work there were three black women, and none in my training group three months ago.
"The Santorum Guide to America's Free Breakfasts"...
Being 6'4" and having a 36" inseam...I thank you for your condolences.
Somebody did a lot of math and concluded it actually had to be a vehicle larger than an Eighty-Eight, so i brought the Olds Ninety-Eight to the foreground which matches my bulbous headlamp & squarish taillights observation.
It reminds me of the guy on the cans of Pringles. The grille looks like a man of mustache rides.