Crap... you beat me to it. But my answer was since it comes with an air mattress.
No... It's Aztek twin was the TRUE Rendezvous... It had an air mattress in the cargo area.
Right... call the cops or pedophile patrol these days.
That is the ONLY Porsche that gets me hard. Such a hot rear end.
Why would you even bother making a 2-door anything with more than 300 horsepower and NOT offer a stick-shift? FAILURE on BMW's part...
No...just piss, Miller Genuine Draft, & dried c^m.
I always found it interesting that GM tried to create two fake brands in the early-90s in the states versus canada. The states had Geo, and Canada had Asuna. However, Asuna failed after what I believe was a whopping two years (maybe three; whereas Geo lasted 10 model years.
Wasn't there a CL in there someplace?
I would never use the back doors accept when having the check-out boys load groceries.
Hmm...next time be more specific. I already set-up my appointment.
Dude, I think you might look odd with them...or become too happy.
I'm offended by your comment how she is trash...
Leave Posh out of this!
"The breast"? Which one? Left or right?
38KKK? So...her t*ts are racist. I'm far from straight, but even I acknoledge the power of those monsters; however, t*tty-f^cking her would be pointless. It'd be like screwing an obese lady's fat rolls (or a dude's fat rolls since we mustn't be sexist or anti-gay). I've heard you can sprain a wrist, but heck,…
You beat me to it.
I've noticed a lot of people like to ignore that the Vigor existed... much like the Sterling cars.
By "electric doors" I meant ones that open via a push of a jey-fob button in addition to the handle... like, automatic sliding doors on many minivans.