And his friend had sex with an underage Reese Witherspoon in Election. Poor Bueller.
And his friend had sex with an underage Reese Witherspoon in Election. Poor Bueller.
30+ mpg in RWD-only mode. 20 mpg in 4x4. Convertible. Offered in fuchsia, yellow, turquoise from the manufacturer. 4-banger is very reliable, and parts are easy to come by.
No, the vehicle was not dealer maintained. Is was taken care of a mechanic who was an import specialist though. However, I did have about half of the work done at a Volvo dealer once I moved to part of the state which has a dealer. I was living out in the stick at the time. A wasteland of Chevys and used Buicks.
Lost interest. I'll stick with the Geo Tracker.
I concur.
This means the Geo Trackers from 1993-1996... Pre-1993 and you had to manually change the wheel locks to allow 4x4... and the vehicles also recieved a moderate dash of additional horsepower in the 1994+ model year.
Heart-click for Chrysler products!
I don't know what that is...but I want.
This is how you die—it wants to EAT YOU.
Personally, I instantly thought Jennifer Tilly as Poppins.
Mine was also a one-owner. I bought it from a general practitioner in the small town I grew up in. I can't say it was a lemon, since everyone I spoke to at various import-specialty mechanics say the 960 simply weighed too much for its small engine to take, so the engines wore out much fast than in the 850s. Also,…
You keep failing to mention how the "Tridion Safety Cell" is what makes the smart fortwo a much safer car than what others would think.
I do know, and I have experience with old Volvos in the sub-$4000 range. I paid $3300 for mine.
Not to mention smart is going to need a completely new engine after the old DaimlerChrysler contracts expire. I haven't heard a peep about Mercedes putting their own engine in them, an d once the Mitsu contracts expire—what are they going to do? Mercedes only had rights to Mitsu's engine because of the Diamond-Star…
Any Volvo in the $2000 range will SOON be needing much more than just $1000 worth of repair/maintenance to make it competent for more than 6 months.
That's really cute with the words, otherwise it just looks like someone asshat super-glued their cat's finger-paws together...