
How often do you into your host's bedroom when they invite you over for drinks? And also, I'm sure they were aware the two were doing it, so even less reason to be entering someone's sleeping quarters. I'm rather shocked by how many rape apologists are on here. Jesus. Watch, they're gonna reveal the chick is white and

Oh sure, a woman passed out in her bedroom and three grown men are in her house. You really expect them to be gentlemen? There's no such thing as gentlemen. When 2/3 of all women and girls experience some form of sexual abuse at one point in their lives, I'd venture to say they probably weren't looking out for HER

So you'd go into your friend's room AFTER her sexual partner has returned to the living room for what exactly?

Or maybe cause ya raped her.

No, eye for an eye doesn't work. The only party that needs satisfying is justice itself. Not vengeance. However, if someone raped my sister, I might just hit the streets with a bat.

If I was placing a bet, I'd put all my money on sexual assault.

You can't count on Florida police to help anyone. I mean look at how they handled the death of that policeman's wife in St. Augustine.

If that was the case, why not stay in the hospital? If you're fucking someone and you took them to the hospital, I'd at least expect them to stick around and see what's up.

No analogy, just saying that some folks prefer death to rape.

So how come they weren't hospitalized? I'm assuming they used the same stuff she did. Unless she guzzled a whole bottle of Goose on her own (which neither one of us can really know).

I suppose the medical tests will show whether there was vaginal or anal bruising. Also, she expected her lover to come back but instead his friends come check on her? So much shady shit going on there.

Are you a member of their defense team? She clearly said she told them to get out. Why the fuck would his teammates go into someone's bedroom? Especially someone they're not having (or supposedly are just looking out for) sex with.

No, you can't rape someone as revenge. You'd be better off killing them. I remember watching this documentary about the Indian partition and one of the interviewees was an older Sikh man from Pakistani Punjab. He fled (obviously) to India but they got stuck somewhere. They ended up killing their own daughters and

Um, she goes to bed feeling hazy and ends up in hospital. Pretty sure her not having a recollection of how that happened is what drove me to assume she was drugged. Most of us don't go from being horny in bed to a hospital bed.

Honestly, drugging someone to take advantage of them is probably the lowest thing out there. I'd venture to say it's even lower than killing someone.

I cringe whenever I look down on my hand and I see the ashiness in the gap between the fingers. Sad times.

Child! Those shea butter baths! I'll never have to apply after taking a shower. AGAIN!

Should I stock up on this brand?

The irony though is that Western ideas of black people is based on some stupid biblical story where Noah supposedly placed a curse on his son Ham (Ham is supposedly the ancestor of Africans).

Yes for black people. "White kids can now wear black words!" I'm always suspicious of white people who "collect" black friends.