How was he having a great night with her and then assume she morphed into an intruder?
How was he having a great night with her and then assume she morphed into an intruder?
The last thing feminism needs is a rich former pageant queen who sells sex. It's like Linda Lovelace calling herself the founder of sex-positive feminism.
Can we just cut the mental illness bullshit and also refer to this guy as a terrorist? I mean the murderer's footsteps he followed in definitely was called a terrorist. I just wonder what the difference was.
It's as though predators can read that you've been emotionally violated. Either that or they just pounce because you're being nice. I used to work with this old lady that would essentially follow me around the office, wrote my boss if I did something she disliked, etc. When she was on her way out (this is after her…
She should sue.
I just wanted to say I love you. Keep up the good work. Also, love that you had Big Freedia on your show.
What bitches. I remember in junior high boys just wanting to fight. Often times for no reason. Not sure if physical or emotional bullying is worse. I had to get stitches on my eyebrow but I fucked his mouth up! I kicked em in the grill!
What's the big deal? There's no god so there's no devil. Just us puny humans with dumb ideas about life after death and some old man who created the world.
Ahhh, you poor thing. Nothing is worse than a terrible date. Especially if they're weird or drugged out. A friend you can just ditch and bounce but how do you leave a date?
Oh God, after I went to the AGO's First Thursdays in January, I never again want to be around monied philistines in any surrounding. The terrible part is that at the AGO they had panels that imbued their nonsense with theoretical jargon. I hope those ROM losers at least weren't posing THAT hard.
OMG, they've ruined King, Queen, Ossington, and now they're already rearing their ugly heads all the way out in Mimico. The biggest losers in all of this are straight women of course. The winners are obviously the gay men, because they can just wear the Ferragamo and dish, instead of nervously trying to get into your…
Overreacting! I'd stomped his ass and ran off before the cops could make their way over. I don't mean to come as over patronizing to my female friends but I'm sure I say the dumbest things and not take ownership of them.
Oh totally. The use of the c-word is rampant. Women are demeaned around gay men all the time and are bodyshamed constantly. The realization for me personally was that most of the people who did right by me in my personal life tended to be women, overwhelmingly and combined with what I learnt, I now know to speak up if…
Hahahaha, I suppose I must confess as a homosexual, I studied the politics of sexuality and much of it concerns the relationships within the LGBT community (how gay men relate to lesbians, how cisgendered queer people perceive trans people, how the patriarchy keeps us, the queers, and straight women down). I hope I'm…
Canada is a whole lot of simulacra and pretending they aren't American.
Well girls/women are taught to be adversarial and compete for the attention of boys/men so there would need to be a total reverse in how people raise their female children and what sets of values they expect from them. I think the second thing would be a renewed look at how we can collectively improve the quality of…
Oh my god, girls like that bother me to no end! A lot of times they say dumb shit like: "Girls just are jealous of me" "They find me intimidating" etc. Sadly these women should realize it's all a divide-and-conquer tactic.
Oh totally. I've had dudes say, "Hey man, it's fucking awesome you're in my life. You give me a different take on things." Then they proceed to list the outward things that make us different. You're definitely better off not pursuing them. That being said, there are plenty of cool straight boys out there but their…
Bahahahaha. You'll live. Just have a toke of your spliff and watch a Cronenberg film on Youtube.
The worst is when said ladies find some silly excuse neither of you actually buys but both of you will smile to avoid any potential rudeness. I always tell my female friends whether I get on with their boyfriends and I've seen female friends of mine "break up" with childhood friends because they decide to date an…