
You know why. Cause they're gonna go into that cage and commit some nasty incest!

I might. Or perhaps just double down on the ladies I already have in my life. Even though, more and more of them I hang with out with their boyfriends in tow. Let's just say I politely ask the girls with the weird ones not to bring them.

No, I think it's more than that. Either way, mazel tov on the cool guys you do know. Keep em close, I might just poach them.

You lucky gal. I'm glad your husband can appreciate the female vibe. Not sure why it makes so many men uncomfortable. You rarely hear women express such philistine sentiments.

No very serious. I've just realized women are more my cup of tea. If they're going to be straight and male, they better be seniors.

Not all. For my most my 20's, I was only interested in being friends with judies and girls. When I got to 30, I decided to become open to the idea of including straight boys to the mix. It has been the most cumbersome experience so far in terms of social interaction for me. I've had guys that are very cold to me

It is the weekend so if you wanna keep going, I'm totally down.

Lucky you. They are clearly a minority and you should thank the heavens you know them, as opposed to a meek asshole with passive-aggressive issues.

I think it's because then they don't have to confront the fact that they misogynists at heart. Instead they sit around and talk FOR hours about music (I mean, everyone likes music but Jesus, do we need to spend hours on end discussing its merits?). Also, the Canadian male in general is taught to be stiff and cold and

Just yesterday I was talking to my friend and I told her that a "near-friend" (more of a social friend really, hang out at parties sorta thing) decided to gimme some serious reasons for why he cancelled dinner. I told her that he never talks about this serious things with me when his other friends are around. Hear her:

Oh, I have my judies but I'm trying to keep diverse, you know. I can't just be hanging with the homos all the time. Then we just reinforce a sort of a collective view of the world.

Oh ya, tons. Then I'd use Valium to deal with the paranoia the next day. Safe to say I don't abuse substances any more.

Whatever, the Visconti triplets are so much hotter!

I am a guy that prefers the friendship of women because straight men in Toronto can be so one-dimensional and uninteresting. Does that make me a misandrist?

So Asians are supposed to be less upset because white people continue to use a white slur for another group that cannot undo its effects? I hope you realize both terms originated with white people.

Maybe consider there's never an ironic way to use a racial slur.

Hopefully she talks about wanting to kill their honky asses in their sleep and burn down the house. I'd read that.

Would you order a side of lard with that?

Self-loathing sells very well amongst the right. It's how Ayaan Hirsi Ali makes her living. By constantly telling half-truths and dreaming up weird scenarios to rile up fearful white people. It was no shock to me when it was revealed she was Niall Ferguson's sidepiece. Sad times for the Somali sister.