
Most food places have to lock their dumpsters too. The reason is same as any silly policy, some dummy ruined it for everyone. At some point, some jerk ate something from a dumpster/donation, got food poisoning and sued followed by some forsaken court ruling in their favor. From then on any corp. worth any money likely

"the practice of wading in trash to find things of interest."

I used to work at GameStop and we had a day called "Destruction Day". .. I think. It's been a while but I remember it having a hardcore sounding name. Annnyway, basically we all just went in the basement and just wrecked all the games and accessories we were gonna throw out simply so no one could dumpster dive. Mainly

HAH! HAHAH! As if the cash "tax" GS charges was that low... More like $4.50 store credit, $2.25 cash.

Yeah, my closest Gamestop shares a corner of a dilapidated strip mall with a tiny Chinese takeout place. I don't know for sure that they use the same dumpster, but you couldn't pay me enough to crawl in there and find out.

True and false.

You can trade all of it back for an amazing sum of $4.00 dollars. Or $4.50 store credit.

They didn't want to drop DRM either, but they did. Because they were afraid that they wouldn't sell consoles. And now they're positive that they aren't selling consoles, not in the numbers that their direct competitor is anyhow. If they dropped the camera, and brought the price under the PS4's, that would make it more

Yes and it's a 15 year old game. Your point?

Bob Ross is the fucking best, that image from the winner is on a tshirt I have, with the words "No mistakes, just happy accidents."

Available soon on Steam Greenlight.

The biggest problem here is that he is using IE

The same guy who's browser looks like this shops there.

Oh No! A girl's behind and some panties!!! Whatever is this world coming to.

PS4 colossally outsold the Xbox One in Japan. Without Titanfall. Just that. Carry on.

God, won't you people stop?

Your metaphor is broken. Do people pay you to access your building? That's their monthly subscription fee. It grants them 24/7 access. Including upkeep, the costs almost become static. Granted, if you have a spike in subscribers, you have to use part of your income to expand the branch or face complaints.

"That's when you simply add external storage via USB3"

good thing the PS4 doesn't have Dead Rising 3. PS4 owners don't have to worry about 13GB patches. and if they did they could just swap that 500GB hard drive for a 2TB hard drive.