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    Yeah, because in soccer, it’s not just the game on the line, it’s their life, their family’s live’s, their friends live’s, etc.

    Aaaaaaaand.............the race card gets played. Even with the proof as shown in that clip above, excuses continue to run rampant.

    As opposed to concealing a weapon and then shooting the cops.

    Uh, no it isn’t. Grow a thicker skin and quit making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Absolutely agree. EA sure had no problem with charging “regular” game price, though.

    LOL! The Blood Starved Beast was so frustrating! I still haven’t beat it yet.

    You are missing the point...an Easy mode would be an option. You wouldn’t be forced to play at that difficulty.

    LOL! Love that movie (Waiting...)

    That’s an interesting way of looking at this. Hope you don’t mind if I use it for those times when my idiotic coworkers try pulling the same shit. +1

    I actually got a chuckle out of that. Thanks!

    Comment of the day!!

    I was just going to mention the Lone Survivor perk. I couldn’t stand having my companion stand right in my line of sight all the time. Plus, I love the extra carrying weight.

    Knock Knock! Reality’s calling.

    LMAO! Way to spin it! Face it, Cam pussed out.

    Way to bring race into this.....

    LOL! That comment actually made me, well, laugh out loud!

    I have thought the same thing. I am sure you have heard stories of the husband that comes home and finds his wife in bed with a stranger, who he had never met in his life nor ever heard about... and ends up killing the guy. I’m like, “Uh...okay.” I am not condoning the actions of these individuals (just turn around

    Microsoft “happily” paid for the RRoD fiasco? They didnt want to in the beginning, but a company really has no choice when over 50% of a product fails. A ton of other companies would have went under if this had happened to them.

    “When somone steals eg a candy bar the company suffers a direct loss because they needed to buy materials for the bar, produce the bar, package said bar and finally ship it to the vendor.”

    I guess you didn’t see that they already got their refund, plus a free game and a hundred buck gift card. Why should they get thousands of dollars extra from a gofundme? What about the parents who can’t afford to buy a $400.00 gift for their kid, let alone have barely enough money to put food on the table?