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    So,you state that you are getting tired of AC games, then state that you will still play Unity. Uh, did you just read the review? If you can't tell that this game is not that great and STILL want to play it, you have bigger issues. Thank you for allowing Ubisoft to continue making shitty games, by your purchase of

    My thought as well. Heaven forbid if Ubisoft were to take a step back to take a breather in order to recompose. They will be slamming more AC games down our throats like it's nothing, and the clueless will continue to buy the same shit just like an obedient lap dog.... Or a Call of Duty player.

    I agree with you. I quite enjoyed ACIV, and thought it was extremely well done.

    well, the fact remains that if the majority of gamers didn't act like impatient children, they might have waited a week or so in order for the game to come out and reviews to be written , before diving head first into something that ends up being a pile of steaming shit. But, I also blame ubisoft for not allowing

    Sorry, but that is a horrible analogy.

    Uh..... Never mind.

    I was thinking the same thing. How us getting the item that you paid for being "entitled?"

    After watching this video, and reading your recommendation, I went out to Rabbit's YT channel, and I have to say that he has some really entertaining videos. I just subscribed to him.

    Jeez, EA adds a couple of things to the game, and you people think that resolves them of all the other shit they have pulled. Way to go, Fanboy!

    Like you, I am getting so tired of this season pass shit. Seems like anything added to any game entails having to buy DLC. I don't have a problem with paying for more content on occasion, but it would be nice to be "thrown a bone" and getting some freebies.

    "Those people come in, play the incomplete game and either lose interest or go through the meager amount of content offered at that stage and put the game down."

    Show us your work and let us see how 'advanced' looks. °yawn°

    Let me guess..... You are a member of Team Microsoft. How about you telling us why you think the XOne isn't doing well, instead of bashing on those that hate your console of choice?

    I don't laugh out loud often, but when I do, it's at sciteach's "Density" ad.

    Damn...that was crazy cool!

    Oh please. Now you are making excuses. Just because you are homeless, doesn't mean that common sense gets thrown out the f'ing window. She went into this agreement on her own volition, and when she broke her end of the agreement and the couple decided to fire her (which they have every right to), she decides to pull

    Nice burn.

    Boy, does that song bring back the memories. "Who's afraid of...The Art of Noise"

    While I realize that Valve has seriously dropped the ball with HL3 to the point where it's just flat out pathetic, do you remember when they released L4D2 too soon after L4D and all the fucking babies cried and started boycotting the game? Not saying that you were one of these whiners, but people can't have their cake

    Johnson is a piece of shit! Every other sentence out of his mouth was "The Sacramento Kings". Sacramento has other much more serious issues that this moron should be worried about, than some crappy basketball team.