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    Damn. I forgot all about Diablo being available on a console. Must be since I was pretty much a "PC Only" person up until a few years ago, I didn't follow the console scene. Were the controls done well for Diablo on the PS1?


    LMAO! I forgot all about this video. Actually, I saw the original, but this takes it to a whole 'nother level!

    While I enjoyed D3 on the PC, I like the PS3 version better. I never thought that a Diablo game would play well with a controller....boy, was I mistaken.

    While I have never played Rift, I have heard that the developer/publisher F2P model for that game is pretty good.

    But....there is the fallacy in your statement. You are basing that on your assumption/opinion on what mobile gaming is. While I am intelligent enough to know that a F2P game (or the majority of mobile games for that matter) will give me nothing but "bite size" chunks of fun for a specific amount of time, I still like

    While I can count on one hand the total minutes I have ever spent playing Minecraft, and I have never touched a Wii U in my life, but from the little I know of this system, I agree that the Wii U would handle Minecraft well.

    I was curious to see what Hakoom was charging for his services, and I noticed the following:

    I think I am at level 5, and I found that an accomplishment as well. And I have 0 platinum, too.

    I was just now notified of your post.

    Same here! I was laughing my ass off while looking at these!

    Can you point me to the laws you are talking about? What happens if in the example I gave, it was a Credit Union instead of a bank? Credit Unions don't fall under the FDIC umbrella.

    Can you point me to the law that states this? Not trying to argue, just trying to understand.

    This isn't about the world being a great or shitty place. This is about whether this company can legally compel a individual to return an item that was mistakenly sent out and wasn't paid for.

    One of the guys I knew went into a bank and wanted to cash a 100 dollar check that was made out to him. The teller instead gave him a thousand dollars. He didn't say anything and walked out. Needless to say, a week or so later, the police are knocking on his door and telling him that he has to give the money back.

    Absolutely. I have had two hernias (one on each side) and it's not from the weight itself, though that can obviously be a factor, It's mostly from the lifting action itself. When I was stationed in London England in the 80s, I was picking up a pencil and when I stood up, I got the sharp pain and a few days later, a

    Interesting, because if voice acting didn't matter, gamers wouldn't have been all "up in arms" about Mark Hamill not voicing the Joker anymore.

    My first visit to Deadspin, and this is the article I read!

    Same here in NorCal. I have heard no debates either. I have heard it more like jif then gif, but pronounced either way, I understand what is meant.

    Damn. The bottom image is quite impressive!