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    Go to Burning Man in Black Rock City, Nevada. I would bet that the dust there is just like it is in Iraq. Very nasty. Thankfully, I just missed the rain this past year at BM, so I wasn't able to experience the caked mud.

    Oh man.....does what you say bring back memories. I was in the Corps from 1984 to 1992 so some of this is new slang to me, but a lot of it is spot on.

    When I was in the Marines, the term Butter Bar was used to refer to a 2nd Lt.

    35 degrees is actually pretty cold.

    Campaign has been solid for me. Zero crashes. But for the life of me, I cannot remember what option I chose from the main menu, that would crash the game. :( This happened about 3 times.

    Seriously douche bag thing to do to this guy. I am all for teasing a person (to a limit) and having a good time, but the line is definitely crossed with this type of behavior.

    The "who knows" button is for sharing this video with others. At least that same symbol is on my phone and it does that.

    LOL! Awesome pic!

    Again, that's your preference. But I would assume that 95% of gamers want detail in their games, and not have them of being a "painted" quality.

    True, but software development on the PS4 will be improving as well.

    That is EXACTLY who I thought of. I always thought this was Kate Upton. Hell, even the body looks similar.


    And Microsoft must be paying you well to come to it's defense every time someone has something bad to say about your beloved console.

    And of course, a thread wouldn't be complete without spectrumfox injecting a shot of stupidity.

    The PS4 just released in multiple regions today! Of course there is going to be a strain on the network.

    28,169 people watching per hour.

    LOL! I can do it as well.

    That we do. And it is a lot of money.

    If anything, I found your interpretation of this letter the most correct.

    LOL! You sir, are awesome!