
I generally don't pirate anything because I have a decent job now. But I do stream anime off of free websites (if its not on crunchyroll which I do subscribe to), because I am a bad bad person :3.

Ive tried to love it, I really have. Ive done my best learning all the little nitpicks and yet I could do everything from my emerge desktop Win7 build way faster and more efficiently

haha xD

Theres a box of alcohol pads in mah purse I use them every time they go in my ear.

$6k on clothes o-o, who are you trying to impress?

I only tip if I can, really I wouldn't mind stepping up to the kitchen and grabbing my own dinner or taking a beer from the cooler myself.

I am pretty sure someone thought it was a good idea, and then said woopsie afterwards. There is no artistic value to this, its pretty gross and not something I want in my house but at the same time to freak out over it seems like a waste of energy.

Still use firefox, has best extensions for protection and ad blocking.

lol that must of been one hell of a distraction.

Spiritual is harder to pinpoint, but at least for me does not carry the same definition as religion or belief of anything. Spirituality is the act of finding your own inner peace, Yoga for instance to me is a very spiritual form of exercise.

I'll wear whatever the F* I want. TYVM, HAVE A NICE DAY, now make me a sammich DUDE.

Its comfort of a time in the past. Sometimes when I hear a fax machine, I remember my excitement while my modem dialed into my ISP =P

Stalkers, Employment opportunities and the fact that when people find out they will treat you differently. Ya sure, really does absolutely nothing......

Gaming, development, journalism are all gender neutral activities. That is all I feel needs be said, and the inequalities in how people treat us at times is sickening.

If wikipedia charged it would be bad for everyone, there will be a drop in people adding information and auditing entered information.

Sad thing is, much of this was in response to the loss of "Other OS" People worked that much harder to crack what really was darn near unbreakable.

Correction, I put the groceries on my own table. You just pay me for the time I am loaning to you for services I provide.

If normalcy is to be found, we need to live in a society where homosexuality in itself is no big deal. It is no big deal when people try and be normal about it! Gender and Sexuality should be silent aspects about you. They define so much yet they are background processes that don't need to be up front.

I concur, I had a crush on her when I saw the series.

Shes sorta cool, but I would consider Beyonce to be amazing. Shes stunning with and without makeup, has a beautiful voice, and seems quite moderate in personality