
All good seals are going to cause you to sweat. Try out the Dt 770 Pro line(not the premium), over ear, great isolation and comfort.

Over the ear generally provide the best isolation if you need full size. Most portable headphones I have found to be rather terrible when used portably.

I dunno, the hunger games had a significantly different vibe from battle royale. Not considering the abomination the sequel was. But if you examine both fiction then yea there is a ton in common on a surface level. Even more in common is you consider the atrocious sequel.

haha xD

Then so is james bond

The cheap laptops do their job, my problem with laptops are the fact that tablets seriously has beat them at their own game. They are sleeker, smaller, have better screens and can do almost everything someone would do on a laptop.

I did not really enjoy the movie, usually i can see a movie about a book I never read and enjoy it because well I have no expectations. It just felt like it was missing too much material, nothing was properly explained and none of the characters(main included) was ever properly fleshed out. The actual hunger games

I giggled xD

I think they confuse transgenderism as a choice and/or a sexual decision. I hate the term transexual, its really not telling of what being in transition is and just labels all trans gender people as sex workers which is idiotic.

Kinda reminded me of the battlestar galactica ending tbh

Not exactly, just kids these days have access to technology they never did before at a young age. If you teach your kid young anything it sticks and helps open their mind. Before computers it was Legos and before that who knows.

I would assume so as well but what was stated in this topic would be doomsday. If there were "steam box" specific quirks for games, that would be a kill.

Oh yay another proprietary box sitting on my desk. the steam box is a great idea but its not for me, i hopw to god its not forced. My pc is a better home theater, music, gaming, , does everything box than any console could ever dream to be. I mean with j river i can actually crop blu rays to 16:9 or heavens forbid

Well, the driver makes the different in quantity and impact more than any equalizer could. That being said, the DT770 pro/80ohm give you more clean punchy bass than the dres by a huge long shot. If you like the dre's give those a shot and you might be surprised. Considering they are in the same price range. Doubly

Dick Smith

Its the kind of game you play when you want to have goofy fun. If having goofy fun is a crime, I rather be guilty.

This is a MEME waiting to happen.

or do even better and push people to create better compression algorithms than the ones we use today.

I actually expected the letter to be worst but it was rather tame, calm and very low key on threats. Though I know activision is protecting their pockets more than the sanctity of the product itself.

Almost makes me want to buy an iphone 4s unlocked for ~$700... almost....