
I’ve worked for several financial companies with offices in Chicago, and every time a piece of clip art with that damn Trump building along the river shows up on a mockup, there’s a surprising amount of grumbling from the higher-ups and we’re asked to find a different picture.

So is he saying that it’s a hoax, or that it’s real but a good thing...? God, Mar-a-Lago cannot fall into the sea soon enough...

You guys missed a good one, just bundle up

When the sun throws just the right amount of shade

Stassa, this is a superb article and the following:

This particular hot take is more insightful than 99% of the Trump County profiles I’ve read.

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the assigned seating. I can understand why it may be upsetting when you first come upon it, now that you know you can enjoy the benefits. No more scrambling to get to the theater early (like 40 minutes) in order to get seats. No more having to get there and save seats for friends. It’s so relaxing.

That effect is even listed by TV Tropes as one of the better-known ones:

I know, right? When I saw it I thought “They finally did it right. On purpose!” I thought most people would get it. Silly me.

Ugh, people. Without spoiling what happens when this lack of sound occurs, all I can say is it is EXTREMELY noticeable that it is deliberate. It also isn’t that long.

That was a very cool, dramatic moment that elicited gasps and all kinds of vocal reactions from the audience I saw this with.

Al Rava murders and eats puppies.

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

He should be suing his parents for that name

I should be allowed at counseling sessions for trauma survivors. I don’t need counseling, but it’s not fair to keep me out.

unpopular take: I think he meant music has gotten “girly” even from male musicians. “Girly” in this case meaning “having a soft, compassionate quality” vs. “made by women.”

WaPo’s got you covered for the golf one:

Also, sometimes I think about the fact that I have the unasked for U2 album on my phone and it still pisses me off to this day.

What is it with society and the necessity of “Male Anger?” Can’t you just be, like, emotionally stable enough not to kick and scream when you don’t get your way? In DBT it’s called Radical Acceptance. My two cents explanation: Sometimes shit happens, sometimes you can’t control the shit that’s happening, accept that