
@SheelaNaGig: When I bypass SM Blvd, the GPS often tells me to take Wilshire to Highland instead. I try to tell it that this is like telling me to leave my car and walk, but the communication is very one-sided. A friend told me to try taking Barrington up to Montana and getting on there, which I may try this week.

@anteup lost her pizazz: I admit with the camera, I was a little disappointed when I checked CNet and the reviews said, "this camera is the worst possible value for the money." But I can't find any references anywhere online to the Lifetime Traffic not applying to streets. I'd try and go after the company for false

@RisaPlata: Also, this is part of a pattern. A couple of years ago, I needed a new camera and my father bought my one for Christmas, but it was a total piece of crap. I put up with it for a lot longer than I should have because I felt bad because it was a gift, but when I realized that every time I tried to use it,

I need to rant about something. For Christmas, I usually just direct my parents to my Amazon wishlist and then my father will get me something electronic to be my "big" gift. This year it was a GPS with Lifetime Traffic, which was awesome. Except that it turns out for this company, "traffic" and "road conditions" only

@ahpooks: I am finding I agree.

@shadowofadoubt: Watching James Marsters and John Barrowman make out did make my evening. But that doesn't really happen often enough.

@Ms Meghan is Reppin' the Triforce: I'm watching whatever BBCAmerica decided to show, so I have no idea where I am in the series. But yes, I have noticed a pattern: the plan is always chase alien, find alien, ???. And then the ??? turns into "kill alien," or possibly "lock alien up with no intention of ever letting it

I just got into Doctor Who a few months ago, and now I'm catching up on the Torchwood marathons my DVR has been catching for me. I gotta say, I'm not loving it. Okay, the James Marsters episode I loved (I counted the Buffy references) but aside from that? Eh. How do other people feel about Torchwood? How much time

@BiteMeMitchell!: I agree completely. Plus, I live alone. I don't know what's up with all these stories of people saying "I just woke up one day and wanted a fresh salad with eggs and fruit and so I made it." I don't keep any of those things in my house. I can't even buy real milk because it goes bad before I can

@maggeimerc: Not necessarily. I had to start cooking for the family once a week when I was 12, and a couple years later it was bumped up to twice. I got really good at frozen ravioli, (open bag, dump in boiling water) but that was it. There are lots of shortcuts for the truly lazy and uninterested.

@chocolateandpeanutbutter: I was visiting a friend last year who loves to cook, and another of her loves-to-cook friends was over and they were laughing at someone they knew who used an egg timer to make Ramen. Even though it had nothing to do with me, I was a little hurt. If I didn't use the egg timer, I'd forget all

Is Star Jones getting her hair done on the set of 24? Doesn't her show have hair people?

@bananapancakes: Right? And Randy said something about having to compromise between what the people in alterations think looks right and what the bride thinks looks right. No, you do what the bride, who has already given you many thousands of dollars, thinks looks right. Why is this a question?

Anybody else see the "Say Yes to the Dress" episode last night about picky brides and get the feeling they were using "picky" to mean "didn't fall in love with the first dress she tried on, often quite justifiably?" I don't understand why they were talking shit about so many clients who really didn't seem to deserve

@mustlovebooknerd: You don't have to list it, but anyone can submit information to your page, and once it's there you can only change it, not delete it.

@MissFiFi: Oh, absolutely. But the solution has nothing to do with IMdB. Maybe we could start by bringing back Fin Syn laws.