
My parents both wear their engagement rings with their wedding rings. Their engagement rings are fairly plain silver rings that cost about $15 (this was the 70's), and their wedding rings they had made to match in gold and cost about $50. They also had ultra-cheap wedding rings made to throw into the ocean as part of

@Pterodactyl: Woe, indeed. Although I still don't understand how the praise wasn't more along the lines of, "you know that shade of deep red your legs were just before they turned blue? When they were at their most swollen but you had stopped screaming because the pain had finally turned to numbness? I must have a

What was the sum total of style and beauty and sensuousness in cloth.

@Dorotea: I am a member of your club. I also went through a growth spurt for a couple years, but until right now it never occurred to me to think of it as anything other than a growth spurt.

I love how, the way these are ordered, Star Jones appears to be smacking down both Spencer and Stephanie Pratt.

@jeepchic: Actually, the CBS demographic IS little old ladies. They often lose in the 18-49 demo, but consistently win households and have managed to convince advertisers (especially pharmaceutical companies) that's good enough.

@Ms. Take: Also, Team Cake or Team Pie?

So, as someone who grew up on a chicken farm, I'm going to point out that the reason she's mean is that she's broody. Broody means that she's trying to hatch her eggs, so she's spending all of her time sitting on them and not letting anyone near her. You can tell a broody hen because she's got her feathers fluffed out

@Lymed: It can be tricky because we have so many more twins now than we used to, and a lot of that is because of fertility treatments. And we do have much more autism, both because we're better at diagnosing it and because it's actually happening more. So the sample pool on this has changed so drastically over the

Thinking about what she said about environmental factors: my mother teaches kindergarden with special needs, and specializes in autism. She thinks there's something about IVF or NICU units or both that's causing some autism. She says she sees a lot of twins and children of older parents in her classes. With some

@madeofawesome: Silly madeofawesome, men don't have feelings! They have sex. That's why they don't need to tell men that they will learn to love their wives, because if they just tell the women to be better in bed, it's the same result!

@Miss Scarlett: Does it feel like the circulation is cut off? Assuming you don't wear your watch or any jewelry on your right wrist, I've heard carpal tunnel can start that way.

@Kessica: I think the idea is that the person is not able to see what is billboard-sized obviousness to everyone else.

@rodmanstreet: I looked at the pictures on Facebook, but I'm really bad at recognizing people from a picture. I looked for any group of mostly women, but I couldn't find any. Maybe next time I'll try to drag one of my IRL friends with me so at least we can sit there and have fun and I don't just walk back to my car

@carriageclockshove: This exact thing happened to me when I was in college; there were 5 of us in an apartment, and two were a couple who had loud, knock-down, drag-out fights. And it felt exactly like the parents were fighting, except my parents never did. We never had to listen to the make-up sex, but one of the

@rodmanstreet: Hollywood, at Dillon's. Which also meant a lot of driving around for parking, because I am not paying $10.

WAAAH! I went to the meetup and couldn't find anyone!

@whatwouldjanedo: Considering Christmas decorations now predate Halloween, I'm not so sure.