
@Scout: Both have serious issues beyond me that mean they would take a defriending VERY personally, and the next thing I heard would be something along the lines of, "Dan just fired me and is talking about suicide because you unfriended him." Which is not something I want to burden my actual family members with.

@ThereIsNoFluffy: My concern right now is that a lot of what they're commenting on is family photos from Christmas, and they're both friends with other family members (which is how I got stuck with them). So I think they'd see the photos anyway because other people they're friends with are tagged, no?

@TheFormerJuneBronson: Wow, you know a lot of assholes. I'm sorry. I'm very familiar with the overwhelmed feeling. Is there one thing you can finish? Probably not the books, and don't tackle a whole list when you feel like this, but is there one project that's close enough to done to be able to finish in an hour or so?

You know those people that you're not even really friends with, but they comment on Every. Single. Damn. Thing. you post on Facebook? And you're really tempted to unfriend them, except you know that this is their only method of contact with the outside world and they don't have any real friends so you'd feel guilty? I

@Nicola-M: Grab your gun and bring the cat in.

@R-Star: I'm concerned that you seem so worried about his feelings. I mean, I know in a relationship, both parties need to take the other person's feelings into account, but you seem SO concerned that I'm afraid you're forgetting to take your own feelings into account. You're afraid that he hates you, but is he afraid

@Marla Singer: You could win any argument with me by reciting that last line.

@KLondike5: Yes, and I'd like to clarify that "a woman with a sense of humor" DOES NOT mean "a woman who laughs at everything you say and otherwise contributes nothing to the conversation."

The dog represents the inner beast in every man which is brought forth.

@Penny_Esq: Lots of things. I used an inhaler for a while, and that made my hands shake so hard I had trouble writing. Being nervous makes my hands shake. Being dehydrated or having low blood sugar makes my hands shake. Sometimes when my alarm clock wakes me up I have trouble with the snooze button because I'm

What is the gift you are most proud to be giving this year?

@la.donna.pietra: @LBB: I completely forgot about Amoeba! I'll try there first and hit Best Buy if I come up empty. Thanks!

I need Jezzie help! For my father's Christmas present, I want to download the new Wil Wheaton book about season 1 of Star Trek: TNG to his Kindle and give him the season 1 discs. But my connection for ultra-cheap Star Trek DVDs just fell through, I don't have time for Ebay, and I am not prepared to spend $50 on this.

I have a small teacup collection, which from time to time I add to. I have plans that one day, when I and all of my friends are married and have children, we'll all get together every weekend. Us girls will sit in the dining room and have tea parties, and the men can cook or play video games or whatever. I also have a

@Penny: It's not how fast you type, but what you say. So I'm pretty sure your fingers can keep their "little geniuses" title.

@Ruby_de_la_Booby: Chocolate, with white and milk chocolate shavings all over.

I already had two pieces of cake (boss' birthday). And now I'm sitting here, a half hour until I can go home, just me and the leftover cake in a staring contest...

@sarah.of.a.lesser.god (aka Mrs. BrutallyHonestHobbit): The word "occasionally" leads me to believe that you at least swap out the pictures on a semi-regular basis, and therefore I approve. (There might also be a bit of bitterness because I can't use a cat picture as my profile, because the taunting would never end.)

@Understater: My problem is that I'm attracted to so few guys that I keep trying to force it with guys I'm not attracted to, and I fail. Miserably. Usually they can tell by date 2.

@Annabellie: Several of my high school friends have been replaced by dogs.