@SparklyTempest: I went to school with a Jenni4. I'm not kidding.
@SparklyTempest: I went to school with a Jenni4. I'm not kidding.
In our town, you couldn't be bused if you lived within, I think a mile and a half of the school. Except elementary school. We had to get bused or picked up in elementary school. But middle school was grades 5-8, and I had to walk. I minded it sometimes, but mostly because it was cold. The only time I ever felt in…
@ihateyourescalade: I don't know about that: [jezebel.com]
@samethingwedoeverynightpinky: Most of the time, the dress isn't destroyed. Those dresses up there are wet, not broken.
@samethingwedoeverynightpinky: Some trash the dress photos are unoriginal or uninspired, but if you do a Google Image search you'll probably find those are in the minority, and have more to do with the photographer than the subject matter.
@samethingwedoeverynightpinky: It's about creating art. This isn't some "frilly dress," it's the dress they got married in and came to symbolize, to some extent, the love they share with their SOs, being an adult, or whatever other milestones they've got going on. This isn't about "romping around in the ocean," it's…
@Beets.Go.On is the Fat Yogini: And you are projecting. You are saying that if you had a trash the dress session, that it would be conspicuous consumption. And that's fine. But if I did it, it would be creating art. When my photographer friend does it, it's a teaching/learning experience. And for these women, it…
@Beets.Go.On is the Fat Yogini: You don't know how much they spent. Maybe those women sewed their own gowns or inherited them or got them at a thrift store. Also, I ate sushi for lunch and plan on pooping it out tomorrow. It has served its purpose. Although I don't plan on doing anything artistic with the poop.
@Beets.Go.On is the Fat Yogini: First, there's a really good chance that the dress can be cleaned and will be fine. Second, who are you to tell someone else what they should do with their belongings? A wedding dress especially is something with a lot of emotion tied up in it, and a lot of people are going to…
One of my friends is a professional photographer and introduced me to this concept. I'm now really excited about doing a trash the dress session (disclaimer: I am not so much as seeing someone right now). It's about creating art, and I am all about that.
Anyone remember Leeroy in the Saturday Night Social a couple weeks ago, trolling for a woman to be his "muse?" See, Leeroy, this is why we got upset: DOGS are muses!
One wonders if women are more inclined to support government spending on social welfare because culturally, we're already expected to accept being taken care of, one way or another...
@lavenderstain: I saw this and was talking about it with my friends. Someone said, "which one was that?" and I said, "it's the one that men consider a horror and women consider a comedy." And everyone knew what I was talking about.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: I'd do a rip-off of that woman a few weeks ago:
Hey, eye-twitching Jezzies! Guess what? The bananas worked! Or at least, I had a couple bananas this week and the twitching is greatly reduced. Yay!
@RisaPlata: I just realized it's 12-4. I can make part of that!
@TransFat: I'm completely sad I can't go because of... a haircut. But my hairdresser has no other open slots because she was out of town last weekend, which is also why I'm completely shaggy on top of which I'm being set up on Sunday night so I'm going to want that recently-fluffed look. But it's a freakin' haircut!
@PrettyB is like Whoa: Duh! We're lesbians. And not the sexy kind men want to see, but the butch kind who wear flannel and eat ice cream together on the couch instead of having sex.
@TheHans: That's his response, but what did he say to piss her off to begin with?