
Hey, eye-twitching Jezzies! Guess what? The bananas worked! Or at least, I had a couple bananas this week and the twitching is greatly reduced. Yay!

@RisaPlata: I just realized it's 12-4. I can make part of that!

@TransFat: I'm completely sad I can't go because of... a haircut. But my hairdresser has no other open slots because she was out of town last weekend, which is also why I'm completely shaggy on top of which I'm being set up on Sunday night so I'm going to want that recently-fluffed look. But it's a freakin' haircut!

@PrettyB is like Whoa: Duh! We're lesbians. And not the sexy kind men want to see, but the butch kind who wear flannel and eat ice cream together on the couch instead of having sex.

@TheHans: That's his response, but what did he say to piss her off to begin with?

@Lymed: I'm also amazed at how many fires get started because a car overheats so the driver pulls over. Unfortunately, the driver usually ends up on dry grass (because that's what's on the side of the roads and highways) and a fire starts. But what else are you supposed to do when your car overheats?

I got the impression when the ladies are telling Joan how it's going to be for a few years, that there was yet another layer. You remember how she kept saying how the fact that Greg landed Joan was so wonderful? I think that might have been the first time anyone said that to Joan- that, if anything, she might be too

I'm pretty sure the first Dr. Phil post is about removing a splinter from his wife. Which is silly, because everyone knows you use tweezers on splinters. And I certainly hope the second one was written by a producer.

@envirodesigner: Considering it's August, we're getting off light so far. But yes, the fires need to stop. Earlier in the week I suggested a hike with one of my friends but now I doubt we'll be able to find anyplace that's not in flame.

@rodmanstreet: My grandmother doesn't have a computer. The last time she visited my parents, they Skyped me. She saw the video and said "Oh! Oh my! Hello!" and she waved and then made my mother sit in front of the computer while she hovered in the background. She's awesome, but I wish she were more computer literate

Okay, Australian Man, but if your cat starts saying "gun" or "kill" or "they're all out to get you," you'll tell us that too, right?

Sir Hoppington kindly requests you return his top hat post haste, as he is quite out of sorts without it.

@beatrice2000: And frankly, there are not a lot of gypsies in this country. Lots of white people, though.

I thought "thank goodness! A post about how I'm not really crazy!" And then I realized that I can't really read the comments (I skimmed) because they're all about scary spider stories or how spiders aren't actually scary, or just saying the word "spider" about a billion times which gets my blood pressure up.

@KATE!: He lived way past his prognosis. He was diagnosed in May of '08 and given one year to live. He was too sick to go to his sister's funeral a couple weeks ago. There was concern that he would try to hang on to see the health care reform passed, but be too sick to actually go vote on it.

@Bgirl_Hamster: I agree with you, but I'm still confused about how that would mean that universal healthcare was bad. I mean, the same number of women would be giving birth no matter the insurance situation, right? Just if it were happening here, more of those women would go bankrupt as a result.