
I feel like I wasted my 20's. I recently hit 30, not anywhere in my career and even more nowhere in my relationship status. I do *feel* like an adult (that came when I was least expecting it), but I still have all the horrible anxiety of my 20's, which are not founded in baseless fears. So when can I stop feeling like

I finally caught the season premiere of Mad Men last night, and there's a scene where they talk about how the secretaries are addressed by their first names and the execs by their title and last name ("Mr. Cooper"). I think there might be some holdover, even though they have pointed out in the show that Peggy is now

Both of my parents are alcoholics, although neither has had a drink in 20+ years. I've never noticed either of them being insensitive to someone else's emotions or facial cues, but I know that I was very socially retarded as a child and teenager. As an adult, I'm pretty much normal, although I don't know how I would

@RisaPlata: (and yes, I am aware that Chritter is a Jezedude)

Hortense, I think you've miscategorized this post. It should be under "Crap e-mails from people (mostly dudes)."

@mbot says Spock yeah!: Chritter isn't Summer Glau? Excuse me, I have to update my Jezebel Yearbook.

@curiousgeorgiana: Nope. No volunteers, and interns have to be current students. Plus, if I do let them hire me, they have to pay a HUGE finder's fee to the temp agency, which to me means "commitment." But if a job I want comes up, I'm likely to not even be able to give notice. Most of the time I find out about a

In my particular career path, I tend to see people get diverged a lot. It can be a long time of working before you can pay the bills, so someone takes a job just for the money and ends up getting stuck there forever and ever and ever. As a result, I have been poor for many years, trying not to get stuck. And once

I joined Geek2Geek recently, but all the guys I meet there, the first question they ask is "what makes you a geek?" Like I have to define/justify myself now. To me, it's like asking, "so how are you a brunette?" I am, all right? And any random person on the street can see it, so let's move on.

@escapefromny: I actually Photoshopped a picture of myself into a comic book hero, which including making the picture taller but not wider and nipping in my waist a little. It came out really cute, but then it was very depressing to me to see a version of myself that I could never be. The moral of this story is:

@lalaland13: Having a label makes me feel so socially accepted! Thank you for this. SLUTS forever!

@Breamworthy: It's from The 40-Yr-Old Virgin. Steve Carell's character is getting his chest waxed because his friends tell him he must, and yells all sorts of things as the hair is getting pulled out. One of the more random ones is "Kelly Clarkson!"

Am I the only one getting sick of the whole "if men were women" thing? The real hypothetical is "if women had all the power." Which is not even what any of us are looking for, and is just another way to discuss the ways that women's rights still need to progress without doing anything about progressing them, and in

@vespa: Yes. Almost all birth control, and certainly Depo and the Pill fall in this category, is hormone-based, and messing with hormones is serious business. No two people react to the same hormones in exactly the same way. Estrogen turned out to be bad for me, but progesterone I am good with, so Depo was the right

@OhKermie: When I was put on it initially, my doctor told me it's not for if you want to have children within 5-10 years because it's such a huge adjustment in your body and it can take so long (one year) for fertility to come back. The calcium depletion is only really bad for the first couple of years, then it tapers

I love Depo because it works for me, exactly the way it's supposed to. That being said, I am well aware that it is serious medication and not everyone should be on it. I was also lucky enough to have a doctor who sat me down and went through all of the side effects before putting me on it. Yes, there are real horror

@maybeimamazed02: I believe, although I may be wrong here, that if a man is married before he goes to seminary and joins the priesthood, that he can remain married. But it's rare.