
Am I the only one getting sick of the whole "if men were women" thing? The real hypothetical is "if women had all the power." Which is not even what any of us are looking for, and is just another way to discuss the ways that women's rights still need to progress without doing anything about progressing them, and in

@vespa: Yes. Almost all birth control, and certainly Depo and the Pill fall in this category, is hormone-based, and messing with hormones is serious business. No two people react to the same hormones in exactly the same way. Estrogen turned out to be bad for me, but progesterone I am good with, so Depo was the right

@OhKermie: When I was put on it initially, my doctor told me it's not for if you want to have children within 5-10 years because it's such a huge adjustment in your body and it can take so long (one year) for fertility to come back. The calcium depletion is only really bad for the first couple of years, then it tapers

I love Depo because it works for me, exactly the way it's supposed to. That being said, I am well aware that it is serious medication and not everyone should be on it. I was also lucky enough to have a doctor who sat me down and went through all of the side effects before putting me on it. Yes, there are real horror

@maybeimamazed02: I believe, although I may be wrong here, that if a man is married before he goes to seminary and joins the priesthood, that he can remain married. But it's rare.

@GirlSailor: That's because every woman wore three pounds of underwear (credit: Pleasantville) no matter her natural shape.

Barbie: Her hair seems dangerously thin that she can put it all on top of her head like that. Without a lot of heavy hair in back, how can she prevent her big breasts from making her fall on her face all the time? Oh, Barbie!

@Maggita: I know with my ex, he was feeling guilty, which is not my problem. Our situation was a little bigger than yours: it was a ltr, we'd been living together for a long time, he suddenly turned into an ass. About a year later he called and wanted to meet and talk and I told him no, and that I had no interest in

@Pandorasvoicebox: And actually, I think a large part of what I'm excited about is having an excuse to have a family reunion out here, and having all of my friends and relatives who can afford it see where I live. Family reunions are a big enough thing that I can't really do it without a wedding as an excuse, but

@Renata Halpern: I'm hoping they fix it soon, but in the meantime I go to Edit, Find and search for my name. Not ideal, but it does work.

@whats_in_a_name: The problem is, that's not what my mother says. You must have your first child, at least, by age 35, because it's very dangerous after that. You must be married for at least three years before having a child, or the marriage might not survive the strain. And I'm 30. I know plenty of people here will

@emily.jayne: Stay in the same place, and become black.

I'm feeling a little wedding-crazy. I swear I wasn't really looking, but I found the dress I want to get married in, and after that, everything else fell into place: what my hair should look like, my jewelry, the venue, etc. The thing is, I don't even have a boyfriend. And I think this is seriously hindering my dating

@Tequila Mockingbird: I'm a Taurus, but I have yet to have anyone guess within 10 tries (and after three, they're just naming whatever signs they can think of anyway) so no, I don't believe it for a second. But it's a lovely thought.

@buzzgirl: It's not too late. Certainly, a few days is not too late. The two weeks one, maybe, but there's nothing to be lost by trying. Just a short, light note: "Sorry I didn't write sooner, just been busy. Wanted to let you know I had a great time." And then leave it to him to respond or not.

@Little Time Bomb: There should be a little "thumbs up" icon next to comments that are greyed out so you can promote them. That being said, the system is more than a little buggy still and the thumbs up aren't showing up for a lot of people.

@olowokandi: Whoa, I just realized you seriously need to be in my "family identity" discussion downthread.

@buzzgirl: I'm usually the one who follows up with a "hey, I had a great time, let's do it again" note the next day, but if you didn't write and you both had a good time, there's no reason they shouldn't have. On the other hand, if you don't get a response to that note, take it at face value. I'm not sure at what

I've been thinking lately about the things that make up our identity, and specifically, about family identity. The reasons I don't drink are many and complicated, but I usually just say it's because both my parents were alcoholics. Which is true. But a subset of that is that they both gave up drinking when I was 5,