@electrogeek77: Both, actually. But I would be perfectly happy with Sash and/or Malia doing it. That would rock.
@electrogeek77: Both, actually. But I would be perfectly happy with Sash and/or Malia doing it. That would rock.
@RedVelvetCake: Oh, please. I got jealous when Dr. Phil got a book deal, but this dog is WAY more qualified than Dr. Phil. I'm just hoping he doesn't host the annual White House Christmas video.
@MissAmy: I was talking with a potential suitor once about men's preferences for thin girls, and he said all of his friends liked the stick-thin, break-em-if-you-touch-em, skinny girls and he just didn't understand it. I said, "it's about wanting a woman who looks vulnerable and unable to fight back," and suddenly he…
@SevenNationArmy has made a huge mistake: Remember when the movie came out? And people freaked out because it was a cartoon but it was inappropriate for children? And the movie was about how parents need to take responsibility and not let their kids watch R-rated movies?
@SarahMC: Reminds me of the South Park episode where Stan starts "reading" people, and someone tells him, "but 70% of people believe in ghosts. Are you telling me that 70% of people are dumb?" And Stan's unequivocal answer is, "Yes!"
@Acolyte: That was an episode of Mork and Mindy! Mork was trying to be more social and joined a club to "clean up" Denver and it ended up being a white supremacist club. So he made them all different - I think there was one Asian, but also a purple guy and a plaid guy.
@darktruth: I had to read that three times to see the typo! In other news, my brain shut off.
Anybody remember that bit from State and Main? Philip Seymour Hoffman asks the town doctor a question and the doctor says something along the lines of, "a tie is meant to point down, accentuating a man's genitals. Why would you ask the advice of a man who wears a bow tie, which accentuates his ears?"
Is Twitter worth it? Is this a bandwagon I should be jumping on? There's a lot of people defending the honor of the blog here, but do you actually garner any useful information or interaction from Twitter? I'm genuinely curious.
@HanaMaru: Friended for speaking truth!
@Jello Mix inspired Little Chocolate Donuts, No. 5: I went looking for My Little Ponies and Care Bears recently, but the ones they have now aren't the same so I didn't buy any.
@LaComtesse: If something good can come of Prop 8, I will cling to it with my fingernails for as long as I can keep shouting, "don't let this happen to you!"
I'm too young and poor to give cash, and often I'll make something. But what bothers me is that I've yet to get a thank-you card for any gifts I've given at any weddings I attend. And often the invitations don't even come to me- my name will be on my parents' invitation, 3000 miles away. Does no one understand how…
@stoprobbers: EXCELLENT!
@Oceanic: So you might not be comforted by next week. I mean, I don't know anything, but popular theory is that when Ben was down at that dock getting the shit kicked out of him, or whatever happened that made him all bloody, he was trying to make good on his promise to Widmore to kill his daughter.
@HanaMaru: I was bothered because Miles kept saying things that didn't really mean anything as if they were important. I don't remember the exact line right now, but the first thing that he said that made Hurley confused, we were supposed to be thinking, "oh, Hurley, it's so simple!" but in fact, what Miles had said…
@stoprobbers: re: Castelaneta, are you thinking of Timothy Leary?
@pupsnpies: It was weird when Sawyer told her they'd make a bad couple and she was all "you make it work with Juliet." Because apparently they're completely interchangeable in her mind.
@Laura Enriquez: I'd actually get to have sex then, right? Because being slutty without getting laid would suck.
@MizJenkins: The thing is, we don't know that they ARE sexy. The mothers say the pictures aren't sexy at all and the girls were only in their bras because they were hot and no one knows how anyone else got them. The DA says they're very sexy and no, he won't release them because the general public would jizz…