I think this says it all: [www.greyswriters.com]
I think this says it all: [www.greyswriters.com]
@gra: For a while I was watching Clean Sweep on TLC every Saturday morning, and that really helped me to separate my emotions from my stuff and do an annual purge so I don't get overwhelmed. Especially since my father is a hoarder, I'm aware of what a dangerous trap it is.
@terribletwenties aka Aesop's Foibles: I know what you mean. I've spent more of this past year unemployed than not, and the only way I've been able to make ends meet is to put everything on my credit card, of which I make the minimum payment each month. I'm watching myself falling further and further into debt, and…
I love how the answer to the question about fingering is actually "yes!" So it's not as inappropriate as it seems.
@goldberry83 is solid. Solid like Barack!: Bunnies, bunnies it must be BUNNIES!
@blueVamp: "Did a My Little Pony give you a makeover or was Claire's having a sale?"
I've got a theory. Tell me what you think. I think that we're all afraid of rejection, that even after commitment, there's the fear that one day your guy will just "change his mind" and leave you. And a vampire can't ever leave you because you're drawn together by destiny. I mean, we all want to believe we'll meet the…
@Dashrashi: Yes! Thank you! I was feeling much too lazy to look it up.
@nagumi: Yep. And then he promises them he's going to show them their leader or something and gathers them all in the auditorium and shows them a speech of Hitler, which is when they all realize they're evil and wrong and maybe the students without armbands don't need to die.
@onthecornerofparkerandwoolf: They just showed us a movie about a school where a teacher created a "club" that all wore black armbands and slowly started discriminating against other kids and eventually became Nazis. I become instantly suspicious of anything involving armbands now. Which was not completely what they…
I have one watch that I have worn every day since I got it in 2000, except when the battery dies once a year. It doesn't have numbers, but it does have little gold dots in the right places and the date. It's also very adjustable, which is perfect because my wrists get big and small at various times during the year,…
@andheartss nom noms cold hearts: You get awkward discomfort? Lucky. I get OH HOLY HELL OW GET THAT FUCKING THING OUT OF ME RIGHT NOW OWWWW!!
@RisaPlata: Dammit. Delete the "so."
Still too young to feel so old.
@Cortina can see Russian from her house: Can't you just hear their mothers yelling at them? "Lee Harvey Oswald, where do you think you're going with that gun? You're going to shoot your eye out!"
@Dodgergirl: The mistletoe joke made me laugh hysterically. It was perfect.
@georgina: I grew up not too far from a zoo, and men (it was always men) would routinely get drunk and break into the tiger pen, elephant pen, etc. It never ever ever ended well. And the zoo would put up more signs that said "stay out of the cages, you morons" but truly stupid drunk people will not be deterred. We…
@Jenavira: A friend and I went to Patricks Point State Park and were warned to stay away from bears. Not too long before, a man had seen a bear and covered his daughter's arm in honey because he wanted a picture of the bear licking his daughter.
Why do you think you've been involved in so many firing scandals when in executive office?