@Lizawithazee: Genius! This may be my new motto.
@Lizawithazee: Genius! This may be my new motto.
@whats_in_a_name: Hasn't she pissed off all those countries by, like, stealing the Eiffel Tower and stuff?
Oh, this is the game? (I hope, since I can't watch videos at work)
@Lox-Dei: My first and only warning was two weeks in, when she sat me down and went through the list. It was all little things, and I don't make the same mistakes twice and none of them mattered, but I did pay attention. Two weeks after that she sat me down and said I was fired. There was nothing in between those…
I had a very kind boss. Turned out she was keeping track of every tiny mistake I made in the brand-new job. She fired me very kindly. That was in July. I'm temping because I still can't find full-time work. Also, I have issues now. Every time someone says "can I talk to you" or there's an awkward silence, my blood…
@Elaken: My concern is that you get what you are paid for. So, although you think your experience should be worth a million dollars in compensation, what would someone who is actually willing to pay a million dollars be like? Creeeeeppppyyyy.....
@NefariousNewt, Democratic Poll Challenger: Right, except what it's really about is feeling superior. Like in the Mad Men thread a while ago when the discussion was Peggy's sister outing her "transgression" to the minister and someone said "wasn't it Peggy's sister that wanted her to go to church and be saved?" And…
@nescafe: It says "we're sorry, this video is no longer available." What did it say?
@Camdenqueen: One of the first Yes on 8 ads actually said a no vote would make gay marriage "mandatory." Yes, we must all gay marry! If you are already straight married, you must divorce or get a sex change so you can be gay married! All pregnancies will be investigated for possible criminal activity! It's the law…
@LadySoprano: I think I've just reached the point where I can't be scared anymore, because it's been too many years of scared all the time, so now I've settled into depression. I'll be scared again watching results come in on Tuesday.
The part that's getting to me is the ads for Prop 8 are all about schools. It goes something like this:
@NotIt: Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes
@Crabby Cakes: HUGS!!!!
@PhillyLass: That's because true Bostonians don't have cars (although they will walk over you). The people driving are lost and don't realize you can walk right out in front of them even though you're the 12th person this block to do so.
I was the one in my class who figured out the advertising budget-to-profit ratio in Lemonade Stand, and that even if it said there was a 1% chance of rain, it was going to rain. I guess they never wanted us taking chances. I won in my class and my teacher gave me Smarties.
@e.b.: That's what he said but I'm guessing he meant "six more years." Or has had him for six years, because he should be in sixth grade. But probably six more.
Okay, not OT from the article, but OT from the thread... Steve Almond was my writing teacher at Emerson and he is AWESOME. And you should all totally buy his books. I highly recommend "Which Brings Me To You," which he co-wrote with Julianna Bagott and his new-ish collection of essays, "Not That You Asked."
@citnos: Depo is serious medication. I get upset whenever I hear stories about people getting side effects that their doctor should have explained to them beforehand- not that anyone saw your particular side effects coming. I mean, weight gain is common but not 60 lbs. in a month. I saw a doctor online claim that…
@Too Hot For TNR: Don't you watch The Dog Whisperer? Guilt=weakness, meaning you're allowing yourself to be subservient in the relationship and the dog, feeling thrown into the "packleader" position without wanting it, is acting out. You need to be calm and assertive. Or something.
@odinsraven: Where do you live? The doctor at Planned Parenthood (I've had many different insurances and periods of no insurance over the past 8 years) once told me she'd only give it to me after I passed the blood test that I wasn't in early menopause. Given my family history, there's no way I'd be in perimenopause…