
This just occurred to me: I’m going to buy whiteboard paint, paint it onto foam board, and use dry-erase markers for signs. Then I can reuse the signs.

National Park Service employees have gone fully rogue after Prump’s WH banned their tweets. Follow them if you’re interested in science and the environment:

I remember the time police had to break the news to Ed Gein’s mother.

Should I be concerned that my two year old was holding a plastic knife from her kitchen set and saying ‘baby salad? baby salad?’

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

What a cutie!!

Re: #4: That’s an Irish Wolfhound! We have one named Freya, and here are some pictures of her because you all deserve them:

I actually think inwardly he is smirking...he is now officially not the WOOORSSTT any more.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

I respectfully disagree with your assertion that we’re all going to die. At least in the next 4 years. Humanity has seen worse.

you mean this sexy romantic conversation?

+ drought

He picks things up and puts them down.

That explains why he’s not happy with his cover.

You know if he’s so worried about his double chin, he should go ahead and get plastic surgery. I hear Joan Rivers’ last doctors have some slots available.

The IRS computer systems and masterfiles run on batch schedules (for many years weekly, now daily). I don’t know if this is specifically the reason, but I suspect that the information behind the online portal is updated daily via that process and it may display incorrect information if accessed during those off hours.

Buy her a two pack of Fleet enemas. If she tries to give them back, saying, “I don’t need these.” You say, “Um. Yes you do.” And refuse to take them.

I was excited ‘cuz I thought you meant Dairy Queen.

Where did Israel and Palestine get peace?