
I actually recently found that the opposite has worked very well for me. I grew up believing in religion, and doing the best I could to understand it, but the logic was never there, and I would grow frustrated when life would get difficult. I was always searching for a purpose. I decided for myself, that religion is a

The only part that is wrong is the hand position.

Park near the exit, not the entrance.

If you’re moving an Origin game, the steps are very similar, but just a tad simpler:

I’m not trying to be a downer, and I love that notebooks work for some people. However, the situations in which I find myself with a dead phone or a need to draw a picture are way too few to warrant carrying a notebook every day. In almost all cases, whether via my contacts app, to-do list app, or notes app, I can

LA’s Totally Awesome cleaner! Stuff is probably the best cleaner I’ve never used to clean walls and refrigerators.

I pretty much never talk to any co workers except via email and they all sit just a few feet away from me.

The whole thing is this cool militaryish green/grey with a Rhinoliner'd hood (why?).

I approve of this, but it still needs more dakka

Kickstarter itself isn't a scam. I've backed many successful projects. But it can be used for nefarous purposes, and there is risk associated with backing a project. But to call Kickstarter a scam is just wrong.

I just saw the new Pilot. Jesus christ , I hope they are using the term "based" in a really loose manner.


Seems like the basic rule is "just don't qualify compliments."

It blows my mind that we now live in a time and age where shitty mobile games that are nothing buy money sinks and not fun (Castle Crashers, this game etc) have enough income to be able to afford spending millions of dollars in a Superbowl ad as well as paying some high profile people to be in them.

Is there a companion article on how to keep calm and not instinctively slap petulant whiners?

No King of Tokyo? For shame... for shame.

This is why I think this article was terrible - being looked at or even stared at can be a bit annoying but it 1) means something different to men than women, and 2) isn't anything close to the biggest hassle involved with walking around town as a woman. So it just confuses folks - like you, for example. When I was a

You can find out a lot about a company even if you don't ask questions. I was waiting for a job interview one Monday morning just at around 9 am when most of the employees were coming into work. I had been chatting with the very friendly and helpful receptionist, who was thrilled that her first grandson had been born

We need three Subarus, side by side, on:
• summer tires
• all-season tires
• winter tires