Sweet! That's the last component I need. Third world domination, here I come!
Sweet! That's the last component I need. Third world domination, here I come!
Some of these rules apply well to living with a spouse.
@Toribor: Get a lava lamp. Or some EL wire. It's cheaper.
@Christian Lindfors: They already did. [en.wikipedia.org]
@wezelboy: You obviously haven't.
@KamWrex: It's a purse.
Move to New Mexico and eat lots of chile. You'll build your tolerance in no time, and you'll eat great food.
If you're looking for a XBMC Media Center PC, but don't want to build one yourself, you should check out Modified Konstruct's custom media center PC. It's a an Acer Aspire Revo chassis with a XBMC install. And it's only $300. Here's the link: [www.modifiedkonstructs.com]
Danger Harry May! Danger!
I'm not sure how he gets anointed the hero of the recession's overworked underclass. He threw a tantrum and quit. Any clown can do that. I stuck with a boss I disliked until I found a better job. Then I promptly quit, leaving my boss behind in a cloud of dust. That was glorious and it didn't land my in jail.
Here's a suggestion: If you don't like the price, don't buy it. Buy a TV made by a different company. Or buy refurbished. Make your own secret decision to price fix with yourself by agreeing to never pay full price for anything.
This is a great company. I've shopped there for many years. I'm always amazed by the deals I can get. And they're shipping and customer service is excellent.
I give it a month before there's a Checkpoint Hottie website up.
Dear Bill Gates:
It's their new Windows Phone. Sheesh. This is the corporate version of peekaboo with a two-year-old.
I think the two most useful single-use tools I have are my nipple-extractor and PVC cutter. Without them, sprinkler repairs are nearly impossible.
I'd buy this for PC.
@chris0089: Don't bother with an air mattress. Get a self-inflating sleeping pad. Cheap ($40) and easy to store. I've used one for sleeping on floors, backpacking and camping. They're quite comfortable. You get the best of an air mattress and a foam pad.
"If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator. All of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock. This means rocks, topsoil, trees, buildings, your pet dog, and so on, would be…
I have had my 360 for over two years without any problems. Though I did buy a refurbished 360, and I am careful to keep it properly cooled. On the other hand, almost everyone I know who has a 360 has had the rrod.