
all it needs now is him laughing giddily or swinging back and forth like one of those children on a ride outside a supermarket.

I'd think so, after being f*cked and spit on by them, I think they enjoy seeing dicks get what they think they deserve.

yeah, I gave him an extra $0.75 and said, buy this.

Jackass Movies have so much man nudity, you think a woman produced it.

my friend owed me $8, I needed a new PSP charger.

...knowing Bethesda, it wouldn't even start/load until a patch was released 2 weeks after launch. they still can't even make a glitch free game for hardware that has been out for 5+ years. awesome as their games are, I think they shot themselves in the foot by overachieving and leaving themselves open for glitches

now there is a reason for 3G PSVita.

Wii U

and give people a reason to pay for 3G

Step 1: make Call of Duty for Vita

it still remains a complete joke to anyone who doesn't play Call of Duty.

just make sure you don't move your head and everyone is the same height sitting on the same couch.

only major issue could be playing offline...and after RE5 we know how much the developers can screw that up.

eventually they'll have you put your Driver License # or something so they can check you're 18+

I doubt the guy who made this list/picture actually played all those games, just assumed by pictures and what they heard.

I'd switched Condemned with Parasite Eve 2.

I know Japanese and I'm not importing Fatal Frame 4 because 1. it still like $50 used in Japan (even though it was released like 3 years ago) 2. Wii isn't region free 3. I have little desire to play many Wii games so buying a device to play import Wii games, or even to purchase a Japanese Wii is a waste of money to me.

why not petition for Uncharted too while you're at it.

I put those infront of the Chaos Princess.

they really should just force you to scroll through your previous downloads list like PSN does (however long it might be, better than listing stuff for $32 million) If you really want it, you'll scroll. also makes me wonder about that discontinued stuff on PSN. I still have Gran Turismo HD on my HDD because I doubt