wow, I'm glad Japanese publishers aren't as stupid as Lexis Numérique, we'd be paying more than 30% more for everything if that was the case.
wow, I'm glad Japanese publishers aren't as stupid as Lexis Numérique, we'd be paying more than 30% more for everything if that was the case.
agreed, that is some retarded face there.
they really got these Launch titles backwards, Uncharted launched on PSVita in Japan, US gets Ninja Gaiden
Limitations? I'd say Sigma was the same, although it felt a little easier sense I had beat Black prior.
same here, I'm really getting my $50 out of PSN+ (but my HDD space is hating me for it)
well...I already have a PS3 (from 5 years ago) and Vita, so Sony just saved me $ from not having to buy a Wii U.
oh god, smells like motion controls. seriously, the only gaming talk I have ever heard from my sister or mother is about Wii (WiiFit) or Kinect.
...I don't remember the story either, and I beat it, it wasn't memorable.
Difference: GTAIII Claude didn't speak, GTAIV Nico spoke...a lot, he bitched every second he got.
...this game was a PSN miniS
Sony - PS4 Montage, shows that PS4 and Vita together will do everything Wii U can do.
...this video should not even be mentioned. there is no word to describe the lack of quality in this compared to every other video he has produced.
I don't know if I want EgoRaptor to win or loose, if he wins, he might stop making videos.
I was surprised she was at Jupiter last time I played...there were like so many planets to visit. I remember being excited for The Moon.
well...truthfully, the devil is a pretty boy, he's a fallen angel for god sake (said to have been the most beautiful of angels).
a question 2 months ahead of its time.
...were they good? I think No More Heroes was the first game to show what Wii could do/should do.
wow, the design is the standard PS controller rip, but even the 1-4 buttons are color coordinated the same. could've made more sales with a SNES controller rip.
Creepy Japanese Ronald?! Don't you mean Donald...I think he's Ronald's Creepy Japanese cousin.
valid point