
...Amazon Japan has been in stock since launch. that's where I got mine for 1,000 yen less.

...have you owned any previous Nintendo console? ever since N64 has Nintendo had this issue. I realized this when I ended up only owning 5 games for Gamecube...and then seeing under 10 must plays on Wii.

this game is slated for $30 at launch. I bought it for PSP back in the day to use the web browser, and it was still an awesome game. Wipeout HD is pretty good too. I'm sure I'll be picking this game up. (also, I expect it will have and make great use of custom soundtrack, just like HD)

well, I have owned every Nintendo console since N64 and I know releasing a Zelda, and 2 Mario games in the same year gives you nothing to look forward to in the next few years (these things are supposed to be spaced out)

the only flaw I saw this this:

Quick, We need Uncharted Racing!!!

not when it's a remake of one of the most unsuccessful ones.

as a guy, I think it looks bad ass. for women, it might look like a purse or something, I can't understand what demographic thinks it looks hideous. oh wait, I guess PETA has invaded Kotaku.

too bad in any recent Star Wars game trailer, what can be accomplished in game is greatly over exaggerated. even action games like Unleashed had that problem, can't imagine if Star Wars Move will fit this standard.

Trolling in real life, just call it like it is, being a dick.

I give you credit for getting 3/4 awesome choices (I may accept KH2 if you were just after a game valued around the same price of the Fatal Frames)

too bad the grip seems a little off on the PS3 version. I remember being able to climb up a colossus while it walked on PS2, but on PS3, if the colossus moves for any reason, your character flails like a little bitch.

those gingerbread students should be blocking the wisemen from getting to baby jesus, or something unproductive.

PS3?! as much as it belongs there, you know Microsoft will buy the rights for the Xbox360 so people in Japan have a reason to purchase the system.

wow, that picture is really old...or it's from an old print club machine currently imported to the US.

I love the Japanese news programs that point out all the things China steals from them (or the US)

...when selling products, Japanese companies usually never sell an item based on exchange rate. They usually base it around $1 = 100yen (especially when products are sold globally). So, if you're following me here, the Vita was announced at $250/¥25,000, soooo a 4GB Vita Card would be ??/¥1,900. it looks especially

Wow, you would have had these prices 2 weeks ago, if you looked at Amazon Japan. hmmm, Vita is 25,000yen and $250, I wonder how much a 4GB Vita card at 1,900yen would be in the US?

I'm loving 3rd, but I'm wondering if they'll make one for Vita, it looks like they're moving towards Nintendo consoles, hopefully their 3DS port fails and they go back to PSP/Vita.

have you met my friend the iPhone? now have you seen how much one cost without the upgrade?