
You only have to wait a few more years.


Nothing wrong with mobile. I spend half my waking hours playing Threes. But when game publishers dredge up old franchises like Dungeon Keeper and RollerCoaster Tycoon just to bastardize them in an attempt to make a quick buck off microtransactions and other horrendous monetization practices, some rage is most

This isn't a negative, it's neutral, they've undone their evil, surely?

That is some downright fantastic gradient right there

This video made me pretty sad. I used to play Gmod pretty hardcore (been playing since Gmod 5) and I loved just making random household items into vehicles. I had a rl friend who I spent the entirety of new years eve playing this with, because he was sick.

Sim City, without a doubt. Like I mentioned in an earlier Sim City post, I mainly built my PC for it, GTX 670 and everything. I'm glad I built it though, so many greater exclusives and multiplatforms games on PC that look and play unlike anything else. Still burned on my $45 bucks, and the free game that EA offered

I wish I got paid for posting short articles about 6-month old mods.

No. This is just plain stupid. No "hilarity" here.

So.... are you going to actually say why the soldiers wear such masks...?

If it's EA, yes.