
I have come to the conclusion, what with the attacks on Jennifer Hepler and the ME3 ending, that Bioware fans are the worst fans ever.

These people are almost making me ashamed to call myself a fan.

If you talk to EDI after Legion gets on board, you can hear them talking about her new platform.

I know several women who would vehemently disagree. But hooray for science anyway.

So...are they paying for donations?

Yes. Haven't updated the thread in quite a while, but I will this week. Mass Effect 3 got me back in the mood.

The adventures will continue. This week. I promise.

That's the best ugly shep IMO

You whippersnappers and your theories of signal degradation. It was feedback. Either the sound guys left a mic on that was close to a speaker, or there were some poorly-calibrated monitors (speakers) on stage.

Yeah, they weren't great, but we didn't know it.

Why aren't they keeping the colours? :C


As far as I know, I invented it.

I'll be your bro-lentine.

Anyone else kinda annoyed that they've been throwing their 50s aesthetic out the window for the past year or two?

Come on. WP7. :C

Holy crap, I can't believe it. I've read this series like five times since I was 15. Now I'm gonna get all fanboy-y and rage if any details are missing.

The Placebo Effect is an amazing phenomenon. Plus, the "audiophile" industry is so steeped in ancient theories and methodology that it's more of a cult thing. It's no longer about the quality of the sound, but how many thousands of dollars lie between the source and your felt-rimmed ears.

Haha, I knew someone would mention that.