
"So we went with posix kill and also had him pipe ps into grep."

You're so cool man

I loved Kotiku.

Clever use of blur.

A thousand times yes, as long as Glados is either Big Bird or The Count.

That's what happens when you don't think with Portals. :(

Terrible, wonderful controls.

Consumers are secure in the knowledge that everything you connect to the iStuff is over 20 bucks, so they can plan their budgets accordingly.

You got your Valve in my Gearbox!

So much win.

I remember saving up all my pennies and buying it from Costco. Then on the way home, I had the completely legitimate fear that the wind would come in through the open car window and whisk it outside to dash it against the pavement, so I clutched onto that box like a drowning man.

So glad I pre-ordered this. :D

If you died far away enough from spawn, you have pretty much all the time in the world to go back and get it. The 5-minute timer doesn't start until the chunk in which you died loads.

I want one. D:

@nickedge: I don't see how Vader, who was supposedly hyper-connected or whatever, couldn't use Force Lightning. :P

Oh man, the "Hello Neighbor" bit made me laugh and laugh.

"What's the situation, officer?"

@Taggart6: Well, if life gives you lemons...