All in with Golgo 13
All in with Golgo 13
Yes I was! I mean, I had no more lives left so I died soon after I got to the next level, but I finally beat Turbo Tunnel and that was good enough for me.
The site is here to have people comment on articles. Yet more often than not the authors are taking it upon themselves to censor what makes it into the comment pool. It's absolutely rampant over on Gawker's main page, but I have to admit that this is the first time I've experienced it here.
As a prior "star" commenter…
I am going to use in-universe logic and get the trifecta- Replicators, Holodecks, and Transporters.
Summarizes everyone's feelings about this in general:
The trailer makes the movie look more exciting than it really is: Worf spends about 90 minutes of The Worf of Starfleet's two-hour running time knocked unconscious.
Not as compelling as an Octodad movie!
It would be awesome if dinosaurs replaced the zombie craze.
"You came in peace..." (KA-BLAMO!) "...You go in pieces."
You must work for either Fox for CW.
Easily the best highlight reel this will ever produce. Of anything. Ever.
That was very close to being humorous. So close.
So, when the PS4 was announced they touted a feature called "Director Mode" which would let you "jump into" the game of a friend and take control of their character; ostensibly to help them out with a challenging section, etc.. but that was only one example of how the feature could be used. I'm not positive but I…