The only reason any of this is still an "issue" is the flamers stoking the fires for publicity and the plebs following their chosen cause. The rest of the world will keep on spinning. Triple A titles will still be chopped up for DLC. Nothing will change in the long run. Now if everyone will excuse me im going back to…
I'm with you. I come here for video game news. Not human interest stories.
*never gets an answer to the question
But have you seen what he did here?
Please comment on controversy.
I don't know what to say on this but bump for response from Nathan or the great editor in the sky
It could but by definition wouldn't all games technically be alternate reality.
Augmented Reality Game
you have great eyesight
My buddy just turned me on to this a couple of weeks ago. Put eyes to screen. Get ready to loose time.
If pictures were f5 you should quicksave often
What was the voight kampff test doing in there. It's not hacking at all. It's a test designed to measure the subtle non-verbal cues that show the subject has no true emotional reactions, only per-programed impersonations.
Nothing gold can stay pony boy
Well I gave away all the extra ps4 codes I had, but here is a ps3 one.
One of these is still valid for the PS4 Beta good luck
Hey internet! Where is my leaked footage. I know you have it. Now give it up.