
I am sorry you feel uncomfortable. The question I have for you is, is being uncomfortable something actionable in your opinion? That is, if an action makes someone feel uncomfortable, should it be prohibited? I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, which is where does liberty for one intrude on liberty for

A statement like that suggests you are as intolerant as you presume the restaurant personnel to be. Perhaps you might enjoy a trip through "the South" to see things you wouldn't expect; I certainly didn't figure to attend an Eid festival with a large cross-section of people at a huge restaurant (with absolutely no

Domo arigato, Slender Man.

That is one of the hardest things I find about watching soccer. My American Rant

Do you have to return them when they're done? Are they like legs where there's a bar code for verification of receiving and verification of packing up and sending back? Or are these single use items? Hate to waste a good head...

Oh no; I recognize that face. It's the "I have no idea what she is talking about but I have to appear interested face."

I think the case study of North Carolina might prove that wrong. In a state that has been under Democratic control for decades, only in the most recent election cycle has the House, Senate, and governorship all gone strongly Republican. And what are they doing? Making hay while the sun shines, pushing through

Actually, the HPV vaccine is recommended for boys now too. Sure, they don't develop cervical cancer, but being vaccinated reduces their likelihood of being carriers. Hooray for vaccines!

I have a better idea. Let's vote out ALL incumbents this election... and the next... and the next.... Maybe after three cycles, we might see those in politics actually pay attention to governing and less attention to sophistry, partisanship, and personal career advancement.

Like gods who walk amongst mere mortals.

You know, I have a really long rant about rather than avoid this line of research, we should go full steam ahead, with allusions to GMO and making babies who won't catch autism from vaccines and an ethical argument why the research is moral and a counter to those who claim it is inherently wrong... but it's too much

<Sitting tall, astride my high horse, as if I were born to the saddle>

Hello rest of the world. This is America, Land of the Free (TM). Except we are kind of confused about what freedom actually is. We now mostly think it means extras you are entitled to when you make a purchase. (not really free). We easily confuse and conflate individual freedoms (freedom to endanger ourselves)