
@Nitesh: I agree completely!

"You can do anything you want with Android."

Um, which one has the unicorn tears?

@Trystian: You don't have to apologize for teh funnies! Well done! :)

Hmm, not surprising. Those wolves are lucky he doesn't listen to Gaga or Bieber.

There is a traffic light that does this around the corner from my house. About %98 of the time it's green (same time every day) and that means go! But, every once in a while it will be red, for a very long time. Also, I never see a cop anywhere around. But, I never run the red light, just in case. Still pisses me off

I really like these types of puzzles. But, I think there is a joke or two here. Let's see.

@GasBandit: Lol, I feel bad for that cat, but I just can't stop laughing!

Tough! Cuz they aint talkin!

Jailbreak! Jailbreak! Jailbreak!

I work in IT and we ignore most of our emails already! :)

"The 30,000-Year-Old Cave That Descends Into Hell-arious Hell-ucinations!"

Hmm, seems like there could be some sort of sexist joke in there somewhere. Anyhoo, I would probably enjoy this game once or twice, but it looks like too much work.

I love my Kindle! There, I said it. :)

@Orion126: But, what if I wanted to stop someone from stabbing me in the jugular with your stolen K-Bar? Do you have an answer for that?

For a minute I was pissed that I had never heard of this! Then I read it isn't sold in the US. Bummer. Is there a list I can get on when/if it ever makes it here?

@RubiksCube: **some smartass in the crowd watching RubiksCube run away. "Don't worry, he'll be back. He left his Apple luchbox right here by the door." :)

Wow, very nice list with very good suggestions. Although, I will stick to my method of "If I have any money" or "Who can I get to buy me stuff".

Yep, this totally fits in with my tin foil hat theory. Once they get this dialed in.