
I'm sure this will not be an issue when they start installing chips into our brains at birth. This has always happened, just not with the speed or accuracy that is a by product of the internet. Instant info doesn't apply to the end user only.

Well, Motorola is starting with a clean Slate in the tablet market. Although they have a long road to catch the iPad, which is a Galaxy ahead in sales.

I think t looks really cool. Although I did experiment with drugs back in my youth.

"You know you're going to swallow whole ham, 12 gingerbread cookies and six glasses of egg nog over the holidays."

Smart. But did they get the kids out of there first.

Hahaha I like the bit about the packing material, Nice.

Accident! Air bag deploys! iPhone embedded into your brain. Wait... I think I have a new patent for Apple, I'm gonna email SJ.

Yeah, at our office the call light stays on when the elevator opens up too.

Wow, talk about overkill! Wouldn't a rubber band or slingshot have been more cost effective?

It's amazing how much stuff they can cram into these tiny devices. I think the selling price is fine for what can be accomplished with a hand held "phone" nowadays.

I just watched the video of this thing. It looks kinda dangerous, it looks like a face plant waiting to happen. Also, you have to keep your hands on the handlebars/throttle.

@Helvetica: I appreciate you standing up and pointing this out. I practically exploded with laughter when I realized this.

Yeesh, that was hard to watch. I'm amazed at the length of his career. It's amazing the amount of content that has come from his extended efforts. He has definitely had a long and strenuous road penetrating such a capacious enterprise.

That's some hifalutin digs right there! It kinda looks like that thing in the Jurassic park movie that the kid was hiding out in.

That's pretty impressive, I just hope they have a fire extinguisher on hand. Just in case.

Thank you very much! The Linux crowd gets some love.

Oh Apple you crazy, crazy corporate entity, how I love thee, and the never ending media coverage you inspire.

@Kaiser-Machead: ...and i will heart you for the first time. That was definitely COTD for me. Lol, thanks.

After seeing what the people at my work were like at the Christmas party, I would rather get a dozen of these and wallpaper my cubicle with them, because when I'm walking around the office un-bullet proofed, I can just do the serpentine like i saw on A-Team,