Hi. I’m a veteran. There was a war on and everything. I’m here to ask you to please shut the fuck up.
Hi. I’m a veteran. There was a war on and everything. I’m here to ask you to please shut the fuck up.
What do you do for those that have served the country? Do you donate to charities that help them when they have a rough time coming out of the military? Do you offer your time and volunteer at places that offer various types of assistance to them?
It seems like a lot of fucking people that claim kneeling during the…
As a veteran who thinks you're full of shit, please stop pretending to speak for us.
“Flag” does not equal “veterans/troops, current/former, alive/dead”; recheck your math, you have the variables wrong.
If you took an oath before God and country, you better fulfill that oath. And last time I checked the 14th Amendment was still part of the Constitution.
My father (US Navy, Vietnam) doesn’t internet, but he would like to extend to you the opportunity to unfuck yourself.
This whole “serving” thing is BS. Joining the military is fucking job.
So, Americans who served in the military “own” the flag more than the rest of us. Got it.
You don’t speak for all veterans. Veterans do not get to decide what the flag/anthem mean to the citizens of this country.
Maybe put that energy into figuring out how to keep rapists and pedophiles from infiltrating your organization. Piece of shit.
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
Not with that last name.
“I don’t want to talk about politics” says the guy who seemed very eager to talk about politics
Counterpoint: Car scene in Children of Men.
Per my understanding of most professional sports but specificallly MLB, each team has a pretty extensive media staff, much of whom are dedicated to social media. How hard is it for one of these staffers, or even an intern to look at the roster, go through each player’s social media accounts and comb for nonsense like…
Ah, modern American Republican logic. “Adopting healthcare and educational models similar to those that have proven successful in literally every other wealthy, developed, capitalist country on the planet will result in us turning into a poor, failed socialist state.”
As someone who is a citizen of a country where socialism has been overwhelmingly successful, I’ve never understood why it’s been considered the boogieman in the States.
Eh. “Communism” is the real scary word. Yeah, socialism is commonly used to describe Venezuela’s system, but it’s also commonly used to describe Norway’s system. If conservatives really want to claim that things like “Not leaving old people to die for lack of money” and “Not letting people starve to death” and “Not…
Yes, the Reagan welfare queens. Totally unlike subsidies to farmers. Right?
So KKKlassy.