Demerit Park indeed.
Demerit Park indeed.
A foolproof plan, except for the part where little league players have to throw accurate pitches for it to work.
There needs to be a law in which, if you have a cool last name like “Riddleberger”, but you’re a shitbird of a person, you forfeit the name and immediately are forced to change it to something humiliating, like “The Talking Anus” or “Kinja”.
She was an advocate of climbing to the top, pulling up the ladder, and spitting on the losers left on the ground. No wonder the Republicans love her.
She’s my senator, and this is her game. She’s coasted for a long time as being a moderate, appealing to purple Mainers (who are socially liberal, but have some center-right policy stances. Basically 80s-90s Republicans who would be considered far left psychos today). Since the election, people are paying MUCH more…
I assume every self-described “Christian” is a phony, and anecdotally, most of them are. Real Christians aren’t compelled to announce their affiliation to anyone who will listen, they just act the fucking part.
And this is how child molesters become Senators.
out of curiosity, was this possibility raised at any point before the IOC banned Russia from the Winter Games? Because the idea that Donald is actually doing this to “be a bitch” is absolutely hilarious.
because is not food. Amazing how politics obfuscates an obvious truth. Four legs good, two legs dinner.
This is the same guy who made a big show of increasing pizza prices “because of Obamacare” and encouraged franchise owners to cut employee hours to avoid paying for their health insurance (while the company is worth $3 billion). He’s always been a sleazeball and always will be. And his pizza is disgusting.
My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.
Don’t eat Papa John’s. He’s still a racist, but he just wants to be less overt about it. It’s not for nothing that Nazi numbnuts chose his pizza
Of the all the guys to decide to become the face of kneeling in the MLB it has to be this piece of shit...
2nd the punching, groping is assault in the UK and (I think) battery in the USA so you’re legally entitled to defend yourself with force.
Weird that they would employ so many underage workers, especially in an environment where they might be exposed to “nudity, sexual scenarios, racial epithets, suggestive gestures, profanity and references to stereotypes.”
“To me, it feels like Meghan McCain has always been on The View.”
I just Cannot with the conservative outrage over Weinstein. I’m sorry, is he the head of a massive liberal media network? Is he the host of a popular liberal talk show on said network that we routinely get our news from? Is he the freaking head of our party that we voted into the Presidency?! NO? Then why the hell is…
What she really means is “Why isn’t a liberal harrasser not making more news compared to all the conservatives rapists?” And she’s lying about that too.
Conservatives must have a chip implanted to sync them every night, they always manage to have the same talking points to parrot while looking like five year olds reciting the alphabet.