
At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

She couldn’t win at Candyland even if she was coached by a five year old and cheated.

Yeah, that seems unnecessary. The song was clearly My Country Tis of Thee — no need to caption it.

What even was John Kasich’s sweaty, affronted, whatever-happened-to-the-responsible-grownups-in-this-party act if

Because this sandwich has “New York Values,” if you get my drift.

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

Also former baseball guy. One season we had a coach who also brought his kid with him to the ballpark every single day (he was a single dad).

A fat joke. How truly novel

Typical self righteous bigot with direct dial to God who talks out of both sides of her ass. “I have so many gay friends! I mean, they’re all gonna burn in hell, but boy do they have great fashion sense. Oh, the LGBT lifestyle, with its throw pillows and cocaine parties and it’s Velvet paintings of Tammy Faye Baker.


Call 1

Playoffs? We’re talking about the falcon’s here.

We just want to know how well you will cover tight ends.

How painful that you couldn’t be there at the end. But your writing is wonderful. Give yourself some downtime; it takes the pain a long time to lose its sharp edge, but it really never goes away.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

“...without the potential of an NFL career to suppress his behavior, Holtzclaw seemingly became a completely different person.”

I know, for once it wasn’t, “I’m sorry if the article offended anyone.” They actually straight up apologized for it being a horrible article.

He was from the future.