
Journalist ethics are supposed to be beyond that.

Criticism of a black person is, by default, racist?

Criticizing a black person's behavior makes me racist? You're an idiot.

I can't reply to the person who last replied to me. I don't know if there's a limit on the number of comments per person per post, but the Discuss button won't work for me on that post.

He exploited it for his own purposes.

Uh, why is anybody discussing this? Why is only my comment singled out for your assholery?

Yeah, because driving somebody to commit suicide is so ethical.

Richard Sherman is a dick. I turned the channel as soon as he started the "I'm the best corner" shit.

Why is it the right for anyone not involved to reveal personal information that the person being written about doesn't want revealed, so long as it isn't illegality?

Thank you. That's what I was going for.

says anyone with any sense of compassion.

I expect to be blocked, since I told him then if he manages not to kill anybody in any further articles he writes, it will be a plus.

Being transgendered is NEVER fair game.

why was it necessary to report that she was trans? There was enough to report on her sketchy work and education backgrounds. The rest was tittilation.

Coming from Northern California, I can't say that there's much to appeal to me about Los Angeles, either.

When I was in the Air Force stationed in Alabama, we decided that Alabama's state motto should be "Thank God for Mississippi", because otherwise Alabama would have been last in everything.

Not if he's in Texas. Texan men know they're men, dammit!

..."that our community of mothers and daughters receiveS"

What does ICYMI mean?

Not Taylor Swift, of course.