I didn't know Katy Perry was "the US"
I didn't know Katy Perry was "the US"
yes, and? How is that racist?
People like to find things to enrage them. Get a life.
when the parents of the football players involved are influential members of the community, that's how
plus when you add a comment, you're thrown to the top of the page again.
the worst part about the two column comments is that the comments keep moving around, so if you saw a comment two minutes ago, when you go looking for it again, suddenly, it's half a page down and in the other column.
Target's political positions made me decide not to shop there and I haven't been there for several years, so I don't really care.
wouldn't want to be the hooker(s) who get him tonight.
He forgot "no homo".
Indeed, you should.
Jim Harbaugh was his coach at Stanford...
I don't think he's honorary in anything. Nor honorable.
I was bullied so much in Junior High and High School, I didn't even try to fit in in college. I went to class, went back to my room, and studied. That was it.
Can I just say that Drakkar is the best name for a team ever?
probably with no pockets to hold a wallet, so he has to ask for the fans to pay for his alcohol. Just like he demanded that Martin and the Dolphins rookies pay for his trips and parties.
Richie Senior, ladies and gentlemen.
Jeff Garcia is available, just ask him.
what has Incognito gone through?
That creepy kid in "The Middle" is Atticus.
Um, I once knew a MAN named Precious.