
Good examples of Z3s are just too easy to find for not much more $$$. Here is a 97 with the 2.8L 6 and a six speed for two bucks shy of $5K. The paint is good, the body is good, the interior is good, and it has 40K fewer miles on it. Tell me that’s not worth the extra $2898!

You can always get a lotus evora with a camry engine and then slap a Supra sticker on it.

“I’m a peanut farmer, muthah fuckah!”

A universal charging standard.

I took a Lyft home, and now the Jeep is sitting in from front of her apartment.

Now playing

I was thinking timing chain as well... but I don’t know if this engine even uses a chain. It sounds to me like a loose chain that is flopping around in a semi-random manner. Here, have a listen to a loose motorcycle chain:

As someone who worked for Saban when he was in Miami, this scenario is not as far fetched as you might believe. 

I like to think that Saban doesn’t bother to get to know his staff. So Enos probably told him he was leaving, and after he walked away, Saban thought to himself, “Who the fuck was that guy?”

I looked at prices when I was researching this one and you’re right, they are crazy expensive. I don’t know why that is since outside of their uniqueness they’re not terribly good.

I think that’s the case.  I have a 2008 Odyssey EXL with a few more miles that book values for less.  10 years on, the Ody still has more power, rides better, hauls ALOT more, and gets about the same MPG.  

There is definitely a cult of Element out there. My mom owns one, and wherever she goes other people in Elements come and ask her if she loves hers and talk about how great they are. I’ve seen it on a few occasions when I’m with her. It’s pretty weird. But man, they have more space on the inside than any other car

I completely agree.

I’m not old, I just don’t like things being ridiculously complex for no reason. Means more stuff I have to learn about and pay attention to, when modern life is already giving me information overload.

An interior without a bunch of useless shit in it. This limits me to cars from about 2004 or older. Unless I want to go live in India, Thailand, or Indonesia or something.
I hate infotainment systems. Especially touch screen ones, you can go scrape the inside of your nostrils with a rusty spoon if you’re one of the

I was driving when these were brand new and Did. Not. Want.

Pic, or it never happened...

Yep, these will definitely need some work from sitting for so long.

Cloth seat bimmers would be holy grail stuff for American bimmer fanatics wishing to live out their EU fantasies.

Enthusiasts are an extreme minority in just about every field. When I got into motorsports, my expectations received a stark reality check.

Imo that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There should be some enthusiasts in key positions, but overall it shouldn’t be. A car company run exclusively by Jalops, for example, would

THIS. If car companies were run for the joy of cars instead of the joy of a bursting wallet, the world would be a much, much better place.