
The opinions above are solid. Some very good points were made. I think it is important to add that if you are into older muscle cars you can buy a roller (car with no engine or transmission) that is in pretty good condition for about $3,500 and buy a modern 350 HP V8 and transmission from a junk yard for another

Spoken like someone that will end up with at least five of them.

Such a dumb ass comment. I get the sense you are not responsible for the well being of a spouse, kids & /or a old family member.

Spoken like someone who is not married and/or has kids. Your hot take is deficient.

She is just chill like that.

I drive mine.

Get a five year old loaded Honda Odyssey. You’ll thank me later.

Hot take time! This is bullshit. How long until you precious steering wheel needs to be replaced? How much will that cost? The internet of things is a 24/7 headache we’re just starting to experience. Outside of my smart phone I have zero want of anything like this in my life. Now I’m going to go outside and yell at

I’ve looked at this design a number of times over the last twelve hours. I find myself returning to my initial thought: KILL IT WITH FIRE! This is the first design I’ve seen from BMW where, I believe, they really effed up.

Now THIS! is the kind of Bentley I would drive to The Four Seasons.

The Lost Continentals. They were a regional band. They put on a fun show back in the day.

When I was in high school (1991) a friend’s father had a XK 120 taken fully apart for restoration and neatly waiting in the detached garage. It’s still there, in pieces. The saddest part is that the money was there to have it restored but his dad became a work-aholic and never bothered to have his prized vehicle, the

Mr. Walker, the moment the KKK held the Confederate Battle Flag it became a racist symbol, the banner of terrorists. This is reality. It’s time to wake up from the 150 year long mass hallucination and see the war for what it was and behold the lies spread and promoted throughout the south that poisoned your mind.

In my heart the original Scrambler will always be #1.

Welcome to Jalopnik! As a reader I’ve learned 1) It’s not okay to speed in Virginia. 2) It’s cool if your Baja Bug ends up on its roof. And 3) Don’t crash a GM press car. Proceed accordingly.

Alas, it sacrificed itself to protect the public.

I thought I was the only one that remembered Riptide.

I will not watch this show for one simple reason: I am surrounded by the echos of this time every day. It’s not a source of entertainment for me. The fires from that time have burned out but the charred remains still smolder.

It’s not widely known that Chris Evans is the designated alternate for the upcoming season should May, Hammond or Clarkson not be able to complete his duties due to illness, injury, death or all three.

He must be one grumpy fuck since he has not had a cigarette in forever.